Shaky Foundations for the Economy Shaky Foundations for the Economy
Last week Tim Geithner told steelworkers in Pittsburgh that unemployment is to remain "unacceptably high" for some time. He blamed what he called "the recession"...
Apr 6, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Labor to Lincoln: You’re Not Obama’s BFF Labor to Lincoln: You’re Not Obama’s BFF
Organized labor takes on Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln in a pair of new ads.
Apr 5, 2010 / Ari Berman
Hedge Fund Managers Beat the Banks Hedge Fund Managers Beat the Banks
Nation editor Christopher Hayes discusses how the top twenty-five hedge fund managers made $25 billion last year and what financial reform can do to correct this inequality.
Apr 2, 2010 / MSNBC
CA Banks: Who Are They Working For? CA Banks: Who Are They Working For?
Does it seem right to you that a state's ability to stay afloat should be the stuff of secretive betting pools? That's just what's happening.
Apr 1, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Obama’s Slow March Toward Real Foreclosure Relief Obama’s Slow March Toward Real Foreclosure Relief
Obama's latest fix is a step in the right direction, but just a step.
Mar 26, 2010 / Kai Wright
Friedmanism at the Fed II Friedmanism at the Fed II
The House Oversight Committee continues its investigation of former New York Fed Board Chairman Stephen Friedman.
Mar 26, 2010 / Greg Kaufmann
Student Loan Reform Clears Senate Student Loan Reform Clears Senate
Free public higher education it is not. But for millions of students at the margins, it's real help.
Mar 25, 2010 / Richard Kim
Giving Power to the Fed Giving Power to the Fed
Kai Wright explains why a consumer protection agency inside the Federal Reserve does not make any sense.
Mar 25, 2010 / Democracy Now!
The Breakdown: Will Dodd’s Financial Reform Bill Protect Consumers? The Breakdown: Will Dodd’s Financial Reform Bill Protect Consumers?
This week on The Breakdown: The time for comprehensive financial reform and consumer protection has finally come. Christopher Hayes asks Demos's Heather McGhee, does Dodd's financi...
Mar 19, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Lame Bill from a Lame Duck Lame Bill from a Lame Duck
If you think healthcare reform has been an unsatisfying test of the government's ability to deal with our pressing problems, brace yourself for bigger disappointment in its attempt...
Mar 17, 2010 / Robert Scheer