A Cold Day in Washington A Cold Day in Washington
A freeze on discretionary spending may poll well, but it endorses ignorance of how the federal government spends its money.
Jan 28, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Democracy Inc. Democracy Inc.
The Citizens United campaign finance decision makes it possible for the nation's most powerful economic interests to manipulate not just individual electoral contests but political...
Jan 28, 2010 / The Editors
Geithner’s AIG Bailout Geithner’s AIG Bailout
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was summoned to testify before the House yesterday to answer two questions: why did he sign off on AIG paying full value on insurance for bad as...
Jan 28, 2010 / Feature / Greg Kaufmann
Shelf Life Shelf Life
Joseph Stiglitz's Freefall, Mark Weiss's The Whole Island and Robert Darnton's The Case for Books.
Jan 28, 2010 / Books & the Arts / John Palattella
Extracting Recovery, Too? Extracting Recovery, Too?
Yesterday it was security, today's it's recovery: another nifty, ubiquitous word that means a whole lot of different things to different people.
Jan 28, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Howard Zinn: The Historian Who Made History Howard Zinn: The Historian Who Made History
Howard Zinn, who died in 2010 at the age of 87, did nothing less than rewrite the narrative of the United States.
Jan 28, 2010 / Dave Zirin
“I Never Suggested the Change Would Be Easy” “I Never Suggested the Change Would Be Easy”
Say what you will about Barack Obama. But don't accuse the president of veering from the course he charted at a point when his term was new, his popularity ratings were high and Am...
Jan 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Obama’s SOTU Test: Will He Be a Manager or a Leader? Obama’s SOTU Test: Will He Be a Manager or a Leader?
A new president gets a full year to prepare his initial State of the Union address. That is a blessing and a curse.
Jan 27, 2010 / John Nichols
Define Security, Mr. President Define Security, Mr. President
A three-year freeze on public spending on everything except entitlements, veterans benefits and security?
Jan 27, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Are We a Center-Right Nation? Are We a Center-Right Nation?
Chris Hayes argues that voters' anti-incumbent attitude is more about anger and frustration with the current economy than political ideology.
Jan 26, 2010 / MSNBC