
The More Things Change The More Things Change

Wall Street's pervasive influence on Obama's change agenda props up banks, while the real economy continues to suffer.

May 13, 2009 / Jeff Faux

Coming Up Thorns Coming Up Thorns

Premature optimism about the economy could swiftly undermine the president's credibility. Stand by, taxpayers: there may be more rescues ahead.

May 13, 2009 / The Editors

Who’s Afraid of Industrial Policy? Who’s Afraid of Industrial Policy?

We shouldn't pass up a chance to enlist the auto industry in a green transition.

May 13, 2009 / Feature / Max Fraser

Time for Another Reuther Plan Time for Another Reuther Plan

Autoworkers should meet this crisis as they have in the past: boldly and visibly.

May 13, 2009 / Feature / Nelson Lichtenstein

The Case for Kenosha The Case for Kenosha

Bailouts may protect the automakers. But what about the autoworkers?

May 13, 2009 / Feature / John Nichols

Is the Gender Gap Growing? Is the Gender Gap Growing?

Francoise Jacobson, Elly Spicer, Wendy Webb and Denise Doyle on the gender gap, women trade workers and the recession.

May 13, 2009 / GRITtv

Is Disaster Capitalism Here to Stay? Is Disaster Capitalism Here to Stay?

The Nation's Naomi Klein and William Greider discuss the long term implications of the financial crisis and economic bailout.

May 12, 2009 / Charlie Rose

Credit Card Holders Have Rights Too Credit Card Holders Have Rights Too

Momentum is shifting in Washington to to protect consumers from arbitrary rate hikes and other unfair and deceptive credit card practices.

May 12, 2009 / Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney

Road to Ruin: Mortgage Fraud Scandal Brewing Road to Ruin: Mortgage Fraud Scandal Brewing

Former loan officers from lending firms step forward to point out the systemic fraud that created the subprime mortgage housing crisis.

May 11, 2009 / American News Project

Breaking Down the Auto Bailout Breaking Down the Auto Bailout

The outlines of the GM deal suggest President Obama is sticking with Rubinomics. Will other Democrats be brave enough to stand in his way?

May 8, 2009 / William Greider
