O’Reilly’s Harassment Machine Exposed O’Reilly’s Harassment Machine Exposed
In light of an ambush by Bill O'Reilly producers, progressive blogger Amanda Terkel responded in an incredible manner--with reason.
Mar 25, 2009 / Countdown
Obama’s Toxic Advisers Obama’s Toxic Advisers
Obama's nomination of Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is yet another example of how the president has entrusted his economic policy to the wrong peopl...
Mar 25, 2009 / Column / Robert Scheer
Obama’s New Monopoly Set Obama’s New Monopoly Set
President Obama has invented a new board game that nobody can lose. But only Wall Street money men can play.
Mar 24, 2009 / William Greider
Socialists Need to Be Where the Struggle Is Socialists Need to Be Where the Struggle Is
Capitalism will only end when the world's working class puts it to sleep, and that--the revolution--is not around the corner.
Joseph Stiglitz on the Economic Meltdown Joseph Stiglitz on the Economic Meltdown
Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explains what drove the US economy off a cliff and what steps need to be taken to rectify the situation.
Mar 23, 2009 / Brett Story
The Economic Collapse and a People’s Plan for Recovery The Economic Collapse and a People’s Plan for Recovery
A panel discussion on the economic meltdown with Joseph Stiglitz, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Jeff Madrick and Christopher Hayes.
Mar 23, 2009 / Nation Audio
AIG Lights a Fire AIG Lights a Fire
A new kind of economic populism is driving grassroots protests to nationalize, reorganize and decentralize the financial system.
Mar 18, 2009 / Chris Hayes
Which Side Are You On? Which Side Are You On?
Every Democratic elected official must answer an old but newly relevant question: are you for or against labor unions?
Mar 18, 2009 / Chris Hayes
Don’t Bail on EFCA Don’t Bail on EFCA
In a climate of crisis, it would be foolish for Democrats to retreat from the one measure that could rebalance our disastrous economic formula: pass the EFCA.
Mar 18, 2009 / The Editors
What is So Scary About Workers Organizing? What is So Scary About Workers Organizing?
Chris Kromm, Gene Carroll and others discuss what is driving the real fear of the Employee Free Choice Act.
Mar 18, 2009 / GRITtv