Playing Politics at School Playing Politics at School
Casting himself as tough on school crime as election day nears, Kentucky Republican Representative Geoff Davis is pushing a measure that puts the constitutional right of students a...
Oct 24, 2006 / Feature / Hasdai Westbrook
Leave No Tax Cheat Behind Leave No Tax Cheat Behind
If President Bush and the Republican Congress would close the loopholes on tax cheats--especially the superrich--there would be ample money to improve the nation's public schools.
Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / John C. Fager
Doing Lunch Doing Lunch
Ann Cooper, gourmet chef turned healthy school food advocate, talks about becoming a "lunch lady" and what it takes to reform our children's cafeterias.
Aug 27, 2006 / Feature / Anna Lappé
Rebels With a Cause Rebels With a Cause
A new generation of student activists is flexing its muscles, rolling back employment rules in France, demanding education reform in Chile and fighting for immigrant rights in the ...
Jun 15, 2006 / Column / Gary Younge
Science and the First Amendment Science and the First Amendment
If you can lie about science and get away with it, you can lie about anything. That's why we must say no to ideological zealots who are waging war against science and against democ...
May 16, 2006 / Feature / Patricia Princehouse
UCLA’s Dirty Thirty UCLA’s Dirty Thirty
Negative media coverage has succeeded in undermining support among prominent conservatives for a UCLA alumni group that paid students to target and expose left-leaning faculty.
Jan 26, 2006 / Jon Wiener
Education Mobilization Education Mobilization
Establish a first-rate education system to draw on our greatest untapped human resource: the children of our inner cities.
Jan 19, 2006 / Feature / Major Owens
Overcoming Apartheid Overcoming Apartheid
Apartheid education is alive in America and rapidly increasing in hyper-segregated inner-city schools. And though it's now fashionable for policy-makers to declare integration a fa...
Dec 1, 2005 / Feature / Jonathan Kozol
Darwin on Trial Darwin on Trial
As the site of a trial on including intelligent design in biology textbooks, Dover, Pennsylvania, is a focal point of a national debate on science and religion. But a look at the t...
Nov 10, 2005 / Feature / Eyal Press
Before School Before School
San Francisco recently launched universal preschool, designed to make young participants higher earners and better citizens when they reach adulthood. If successful, San Francisco&...
Nov 3, 2005 / Feature / David Kirp