June 22, 1944: FDR Signs the GI Bill June 22, 1944: FDR Signs the GI Bill
We like to remember the GI Bill of Rights as non-partisan, but we forget the fierce opposition the bill faced from segregationist Southern Democrats.
Jun 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

As the Semester Ends, Students Hold Sit-Ins, Win Higher Pay, and Unionize As the Semester Ends, Students Hold Sit-Ins, Win Higher Pay, and Unionize
Major wins for economic and racial justice, from campus to the workplace.
Jun 22, 2015 / StudentNation

Letters Letters
Magic Bullets, Dangerous Shields Katha Pollitt’s clarion essay [“Magic-Bullet Birth Control,” June 8] is a stark indictment of male politicians who want to make pregnancy irreversi…
Jun 18, 2015 / Our Readers

The Department of Education’s Debt-Forgiveness Plan Does Not Go Far Enough The Department of Education’s Debt-Forgiveness Plan Does Not Go Far Enough
The Corinthian strikers are asking for debt justice, not forgiveness.
Jun 10, 2015 / Michelle Chen

From University Sit-Ins to Highway Blockades, the Spring Rages On From University Sit-Ins to Highway Blockades, the Spring Rages On
From Cleveland to Santa Barbara, the youth-led groundswell against racial and sexual violence continues.
Jun 8, 2015 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Budget Cuts, Layoffs, and a $1.5 Billion Campus Remodeling—What’s Wrong With This Picture? Budget Cuts, Layoffs, and a $1.5 Billion Campus Remodeling—What’s Wrong With This Picture?
These University of Chicago students are saying “no” to the administration’s austerity agenda.
Jun 8, 2015 / Michelle Chen

How A Right-Wing Political Machine Is Dismantling Higher Education in North Carolina How A Right-Wing Political Machine Is Dismantling Higher Education in North Carolina
What began as isolated ideological attacks is looking more and more like a wholesale gutting of the state’s public colleges.
Jun 8, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter
School Districts Stopped Paying Attention, but Teen Pregnancy Is Still a Problem School Districts Stopped Paying Attention, but Teen Pregnancy Is Still a Problem
Are online schools a better option for teen moms—or just a high-tech version of schools that once hid pregnant girls from shame?
Jun 3, 2015 / Erin Einhorn

This School Successfully Sent Teen Mothers to College. So Why Was It Shut Down? This School Successfully Sent Teen Mothers to College. So Why Was It Shut Down?
Dozens of dedicated programs for pregnant and parenting teens have been shut down in recent years as teen pregnancy rates have plunged and cash-strapped cities and states have look...
Jun 3, 2015 / Erin Einhorn

Dear Class of 2015: You’ve Been Scammed! Dear Class of 2015: You’ve Been Scammed!
Does this really sound like an education to you or does it sound more like a Ponzi scheme?
Jun 2, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt