Should de Blasio Have Taken Cuomo’s Deal on Universal Pre-K? Should de Blasio Have Taken Cuomo’s Deal on Universal Pre-K?
The mayor signals he might accept universal pre-K without a tax hike. He might be in a better position if he had made that move weeks ago.
Mar 11, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy
What’s the Matter With California? Student Dispatches From Santa Cruz to the Border What’s the Matter With California? Student Dispatches From Santa Cruz to the Border
Across the state and beyond, students rail against racism and austerity.
Mar 7, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation
Oppose the Nomination of Ted Mitchell to the Department of Education Oppose the Nomination of Ted Mitchell to the Department of Education
President Obama's choice of Ted Mitchell as Under Secretary of the Department of Education has set off alarm bells for advocates for public education.
Mar 7, 2014 / NationAction
Campaign to Address the Student Loan Crisis Launches Campaign to Address the Student Loan Crisis Launches
With student loan debt and college costs skyrocketing, a new group aims to push for change inside and outside Washington.
Mar 6, 2014 / George Zornick
De Blasio’s War on Charters Isn’t Much of a War De Blasio’s War on Charters Isn’t Much of a War
A narrow decision on charter school co-locations has charter proponents howling—but is their outrage overblown?
Mar 5, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy
As Far-Right Groups Infiltrate Kiev’s Institutions, the Student Movement Pushes Back As Far-Right Groups Infiltrate Kiev’s Institutions, the Student Movement Pushes Back
A left-leaning student movement could provide an alternative to the right-wing dominance of Ukraine’s street protests and parliamentary politics.
Mar 4, 2014 / Alec Luhn
Yale Close to a Decision on Fossil Fuel Divestment Yale Close to a Decision on Fossil Fuel Divestment
This past weekend, the two highest university bodies on investor action met to formally discuss the possibility of Yale’s divestment from fossil fuels.
Feb 27, 2014 / StudentNation / Adrian Rodrigues and StudentNation
Students Protest Napolitano, Occupy Michigan and Strike With Faculty Students Protest Napolitano, Occupy Michigan and Strike With Faculty
Across the country, the last two weeks have seen major student protests against racism and austerity.
Feb 26, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation
Storm Brews for de Blasio Over Snow Storm Brews for de Blasio Over Snow
We know what a progressive thinks about living wages and police stops. But what’s the progressive position on school cancellations?
Feb 13, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy
UCLA Law Students of Color Sound an Alarm UCLA Law Students of Color Sound an Alarm
There are thirty-three black students in the UCLA School of Law student body of 1,100.
Feb 13, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation