Disgrace: On Marc Hauser Disgrace: On Marc Hauser
A case of scientific misconduct at Harvard.
Dec 21, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Charles Gross

Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear
As administrators declare there's no alternative to austerity and corporatization in higher ed, student Occupyers fight back.
Dec 16, 2011 / Josh Eidelson

Tearing the School Safety Net Tearing the School Safety Net
Hit by the double whammy of poverty and austerity, a West Oakland school that once served children well is struggling.
Dec 14, 2011 / Feature / Pedro Noguera
JP Morgan Mic Checked at Princeton JP Morgan Mic Checked at Princeton
Occupy Princeton students mic-check a JP Morgan-Chase Treasury Services info session on December 7, 2011. The first direct action taken up by Occupy Princeton—they promise &l...
Dec 8, 2011 / Laura Flanders
In Post-Rhee DC, Achievement Gaps Remain Staggeringly Wide In Post-Rhee DC, Achievement Gaps Remain Staggeringly Wide
According to new data, white and middle-class DC students are flying high, while black, Hispanic and poor children continue to lag behind their peers.
Dec 8, 2011 / Dana Goldstein
Winning the Future Winning the Future
HIGH SCHOOL FINALIST: We cannot invest more in education without making appropriate policy changes.
Dec 6, 2011 / Sakib Ahmed
Facing Up Facing Up
COLLGE FINALIST: There’s still time to face up to the issues we stand to inherit, and our generation has the modern means to do it. Whether we can muster the will&m...
Dec 2, 2011 / Alex Klein
Dangers of an Absent Mind Dangers of an Absent Mind
COLLEGE FINALIST: The inability for people to live in the present may become increasingly dangerous as it continues to become more socially acceptable.
Dec 2, 2011 / Jake Shoemaker

What Will Become of My Generation? What Will Become of My Generation?
HIGH SCHOOL WINNER: A graduating high school senior reflects on her generation's embattled future—and its dwindling access to quality education.
Dec 2, 2011 / Hannah Moon

Maybe I Would Be Alone Maybe I Would Be Alone
COLLEGE WINNER: Catastrophe is different when it is personal.
Dec 2, 2011 / Bryce Wilson Stucki