ALEC Exposed: Starving Public Schools ALEC Exposed: Starving Public Schools
Aggressively pushing voucher programs, ALEC is calling on states to “transform the system, don't tweak it" in a large-scale assault on public education.
Jul 12, 2011 / Feature / Julie Underwood
The Risks—and Potential Rewards—of Pre-K ‘Testing’ The Risks—and Potential Rewards—of Pre-K ‘Testing’
The Obama administration wants states to develop assessments for pre-schoolers. Here’s how it would work in the classroom.
Jul 6, 2011 / Dana Goldstein
Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Debate Over Homework Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Debate Over Homework
Are students working too hard? Britney Wilson provides insight on the homework debate.
Jul 6, 2011 / StudentNation / Britney Wilson
‘Default: The Student Loan Documentary’ ‘Default: The Student Loan Documentary’
Most recent graduates are entering the “real world” only to find a pathetic job market coupled with a national average of $24,000 in student debt.
Jun 22, 2011 / StudentNation / Anna Lekas Miller
Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dana Goldstein on the Future of Higher Education Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dana Goldstein on the Future of Higher Education
Our colleges and universities have never been truly open to everyone. But against the backdrop of a worsening high school drop-out rate and rising student debt burdens for those wh...
Jun 16, 2011 / The Nation
Should All Kids Go to College? Should All Kids Go to College?
Given skyrocketing college costs and the bleak jobs outlook, some argue that vocational school is an apt alternative to a four-year liberal arts program for many working-class kids...
Jun 15, 2011 / Feature / Dana Goldstein
Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban
At a press conference Wednesday, Tucson Superintendent John Huppenthal declared the district's Ethnic Studies/MAS Program to be out of compliance with the state's controversial ban...
Jun 15, 2011 / StudentNation / Jeff Biggers
Community College Scholarships for Gay Youth Community College Scholarships for Gay Youth
A new scholarship program in, of all places, Arizona, will offer gay youths whose lives have been ruined by family rejection a chance at post-secondary education.
Jun 13, 2011 / StudentNation / The Nation
A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan
Activists challenging Walker administration assaults on public education and on college students from immigrant families disrupt Wisconsin legislative hearing with a reading from t...
Jun 3, 2011 / John Nichols
Where Is Journalism School Going? Where Is Journalism School Going?
The Medill School of Journalism's change of name is indicative of wider -- and frightening -- trends in journalism education.
Jun 1, 2011 / Michael Tracey