
Georgia Bans Undocumented Students From Top Schools Georgia Bans Undocumented Students From Top Schools

Georgia's decision to ban undocumented students from top state schools is part of a larger assault on Plyler vs. Doe, the decision that established the right to K-12 education fo...

Oct 18, 2010 / StudentNation / Braden Goyette

Andrew Shirvell Needs to be Fired If We Want to End Violence Against Gays Andrew Shirvell Needs to be Fired If We Want to End Violence Against Gays

In his unrelenting online attacks on the University of Michigan's first openly gay president, assistant attorney general Andrew Shirvell feeds America's culture of violent homoph...

Oct 5, 2010 / StudentNation / Vivekananda Nemana

Students Spread the Love Students Spread the Love

In a campus chalking campaign Monday, students fight against LGBT suicides

Oct 4, 2010 / StudentNation / Anjali Tsui

Congress Wants to Cut Food Stamps to Fund School Lunches Congress Wants to Cut Food Stamps to Fund School Lunches

Anti-hunger activists explain why cutting food stamps is going to hurt kids.

Oct 3, 2010 / StudentNation / Braden Goyette

Students and Teachers Rally Around Ethnic Studies Students and Teachers Rally Around Ethnic Studies

A house bill was passed in Arizona last spring banning ethnic studies classes like African American history and Chicano studies. This week, students and teachers across the country...

Oct 1, 2010 / Braden Goyette

Texas Claims ‘Bias Against Christianity’ in Textbooks Texas Claims ‘Bias Against Christianity’ in Textbooks

Can the Texas Board of Education use its purchasing power to determine how Islam is portrayed in your state's textbooks?

Sep 28, 2010 / StudentNation / Braden Goyette

Two New Havens Two New Havens

Students and locals should do lots of service, study urban planning, but we should stand by the community when it disagrees with the institutional powers that be.

Sep 27, 2010 / StudentNation / James Cersonsky

University of Pennsylvania Ranked Top Gay-Friendly College University of Pennsylvania Ranked Top Gay-Friendly College

More students coming out than ever before solidifies Penn’s gay-friendly reputation

Sep 27, 2010 / StudentNation / Anjali Tsui

Grading ‘Waiting for Superman’

Grading ‘Waiting for Superman’ Grading ‘Waiting for Superman’

The celebrated film tells a familiar story about unions and schools—but misses what's new.

Sep 23, 2010 / Feature / Dana Goldstein

Parents Occupy Chicago Elementary School Building

Parents Occupy Chicago Elementary School Building Parents Occupy Chicago Elementary School Building

On one level, it's a conflict to keep their field house. On another, it's about the future of our nation's schools.

Sep 22, 2010 / StudentNation / Laurie Rojas
