
Federal officers

When ‘Law and Order’ Means Maximum Chaos When ‘Law and Order’ Means Maximum Chaos

As federal agents brutalize protesters in Portland, Trump threatens to unleash the same tactics across the country.

Jul 21, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Donald Trump

Never Mind the Rising Death Toll—the Trump Show Must Go On! Never Mind the Rising Death Toll—the Trump Show Must Go On!

While Trump rages against Covid-19 testing and air conditioning, his administration orchestrates a data grab to help cook the pandemic books.

Jul 17, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Child in classroom

Schools: To Open or Not to Open? That Is Not the Question. Schools: To Open or Not to Open? That Is Not the Question.

The question is: Will the US government provide the safety net and wealth redistribution necessary to support life in this country?

Jul 16, 2020 / StudentNation / Rhea Boyd

There Are Literally No Good Options for Educating Our Kids This Fall

There Are Literally No Good Options for Educating Our Kids This Fall There Are Literally No Good Options for Educating Our Kids This Fall

But the real scandal is that we shouldn’t be in this position in the first place.

Jul 16, 2020 / StudentNation / Elie Mystal

Ayanna Pressley to Betsy DeVos: ‘I Wouldn’t Trust You to Care for a House Plant Let Alone My Child’

Ayanna Pressley to Betsy DeVos: ‘I Wouldn’t Trust You to Care for a House Plant Let Alone My Child’ Ayanna Pressley to Betsy DeVos: ‘I Wouldn’t Trust You to Care for a House Plant Let Alone My Child’

You shouldn’t either.

Jul 14, 2020 / John Nichols

For Some Students, ICE’s Visa Announcement Is Life or Death

For Some Students, ICE’s Visa Announcement Is Life or Death For Some Students, ICE’s Visa Announcement Is Life or Death

If the agency deports international students whose classes are online-only, those from Syria are in particular danger.

Jul 10, 2020 / Francesca Freeman and George Batah

Online Learning Isn’t Even Remotely Equal

Online Learning Isn’t Even Remotely Equal Online Learning Isn’t Even Remotely Equal

We can’t just ignore it: Not every student has access to the same resources. But they should.

Jul 1, 2020 / Mary Retta

Letting Go of Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee University

Letting Go of Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee University Letting Go of Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee University

It is going to get increasingly hard to persuade high school students who care about diversity to attend a university named after a Confederate general.

Jun 25, 2020 / StudentNation / Toni Locy

We Need Police Out of Our Schools—Now

We Need Police Out of Our Schools—Now We Need Police Out of Our Schools—Now

An interview with Minneapolis student leader Nathanial Genene about the uprising, removing police from public schools, and the need to rethink what school looks like.

Jun 23, 2020 / Q&A / Jesse Hagopian

Minneapolis Public Schools Abolished Their Police First

Minneapolis Public Schools Abolished Their Police First Minneapolis Public Schools Abolished Their Police First

While the city of Minneapolis is now considered a vanguard in the national effort to defund the police, less acknowledged is that its public school system has been several steps ah...

Jun 19, 2020 / Mary Retta
