Election 2000

In the Field of Chads In the Field of Chads

Why the hell isn't Al Gore--instead of me--doing this? It's 11:30 in the morning, the third day of the new year, and that's what I am thinking as I sit in a bland confe...

Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

Let the Whitewash Begin Let the Whitewash Begin

If the absence of soldiers seizing cable networks is the ultimate standard of meaningful democratic empowerment, we're not doing half bad.

Dec 22, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Let’s Get Our Show on the Road! Let’s Get Our Show on the Road!

Bush v. Gore is a fitting start to the next four deranged years.

Dec 22, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Return of Legal Realism Return of Legal Realism

Bush v. Gore may have superficially resolved a short-run political crisis, but it has triggered a deep intellectual crisis.

Dec 22, 2000 / Sanford Levinson

What Must Have Happened to Create the Supreme Court Decision in Bush v. Gore What Must Have Happened to Create the Supreme Court Decision in Bush v. Gore

Though "activist" is what they've railed against, These five Supremes said, "Just this once, let's try it. We know which candidate we want to win. We'll simply find some law to justify it."

Dec 22, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Democratic Vistas Democratic Vistas

We shall see very little of the charmingly simian George W. Bush—the military—Cheney, Powell et al.--will be calling the tune, and the whole nation will be on constant ...

Dec 22, 2000 / Gore Vidal

The God That Failed The God That Failed

The Supreme Court was determined to make George W. Bush the winner of the election.

Dec 14, 2000 / Herman Schwartz

No Honeymoon No Honeymoon

The election reveals a deep need for voting reform.

Dec 14, 2000 / The Editors

Why the Polls Were Wrong Why the Polls Were Wrong

Some debatable assumptions underlie their use by the press.

Dec 14, 2000 / Anna Greenberg

This Is Your Country on Drugs This Is Your Country on Drugs

Our drug laws, like those concerning voting, reveal bias and backward thinking.

Dec 14, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt
