Election 2000

The God That Failed The God That Failed

The Supreme Court was determined to make George W. Bush the winner of the election.

Dec 14, 2000 / Herman Schwartz

Ce N’est Pas un Président Ce N’est Pas un Président

All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth.       --John Lennon Florida's electoral mishegoss lends itself to the exploration of an issu...

Dec 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Wanted: Three Electors Wanted: Three Electors

Let the chattering classes focus on chads and undervotes and Florida recounts and what the courts--state and federal, all the way up to the Supreme Court--would or wouldn't do. L...

Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors

Shut It Down Shut It Down

(Another Republican sea chantey) They all went down to stop Miami-Dade From making counts the judges had OK'd. Unlikely toughs, with ties and crisp white shirts, They w...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

By the Dawn’s Early Light By the Dawn’s Early Light

I write from shipboard, on the Nation cruise. The boat has just pulled away from port and chugs toward the horizon, leaving land behind. We are fourth in a line of cruise ships d...

Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

The Unscanned Majority The Unscanned Majority

Amid all the partisan sniping, talking-head screeching and judicial decisions, there are two indisputable facts that go far toward explaining the true tragedy of the Florida reco...

Dec 7, 2000 / David Corn

Rush to ‘Closure’ Rush to ‘Closure’

Here's the Bush idea of electoral reform: Cancel the election. The Florida legislature's move to choose the state's electors and declare George W. Bush the next President is only...

Nov 30, 2000 / The Editors

Yes, We’re the Great Pretenders Yes, We’re the Great Pretenders

Three days before the election, I took part in a television panel with former White House flack Joe Lockhart, who was doing his best to hold up his end of the tattered Gore-Lieberm...

Nov 30, 2000 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Vesuvius Vesuvius

Whoever wins the legal battles over the election, and with them the presidency, recent events will cast a long shadow over American political life in the years ahead. For the fir...

Nov 30, 2000 / Jonathan Schell

I’m Counting My Heart Out for You I’m Counting My Heart Out for You

(Lyrics found on a table inside a state building in Miami-Dade County) I'm counting my heart out for you. The votes I am finding are few. We hear the mob right in the h...

Nov 30, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
