Election 2008

Jon Stewart on Obama’s Historic Night Jon Stewart on Obama’s Historic Night

Jon Stewart mocks Clinton's non-concession, McCain's awkwardness and the absurdity of the cable news pundit's '08 race predictions.

Jun 5, 2008 / The Daily Show

Radio Nation with Laura Flanders Radio Nation with Laura Flanders

Bob McChesney on media justice, Esther Kaplan on the future of labor, David Sirota on The Uprising.

Jun 4, 2008 / Radio Nation

Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up? Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up?

He is the most confounding of candidates, whose inconsistencies speak more of crass opportunism than a real maverick's impulses.

Jun 4, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer

Is Ron Paul’s Revolution Just Beginning? Is Ron Paul’s Revolution Just Beginning?

Ron Paul has inspired candidates and activists who are on a quest to remake the GOP. Can they succeed where their hero didn't?

Jun 3, 2008 / Feature / Susannah Vila

Young Hillary Clinton Young Hillary Clinton

Is this the first time Hillary Clinton has refused to drop out of a race? Check out this never-before-seen footage of a Young Clinton and Obama.

Jun 2, 2008 / 60Frames

Mixed Blessing Mixed Blessing

Obama calls for direct dialogue and new trade deals with Latin America, but continued counterinsurgency in Columbia, tensions with Venezuela.

May 25, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

The Culture War Disarmed The Culture War Disarmed

This time, Democrats won't be losing the culture war.

May 22, 2008 / Richard Kim

War of Words War of Words

An argument over how US officials should speak about terrorism bodes ill for this political season.

May 22, 2008 / Feature / Aziz Huq

Election 2008: Where They Stand Now Election 2008: Where They Stand Now

Here's the latest on Barack Star, the Presumptive Deludee, the Ex-First Black President and more.

May 21, 2008 / Column / Ward Sutton

McCain’s Hamas Hypocrisy McCain’s Hamas Hypocrisy

The Nation's Chris Hayes takes on McCain's evolving position on Hamas. Turns out he was for talking to Hamas before he was against it.

May 19, 2008 / Press Room
