Election 2012

Romney Proposes Return to Bush Education Policy Romney Proposes Return to Bush Education Policy

Education reform is back in fashion, but the Tea Party won’t be pleased.

May 24, 2012 / Ben Adler

The GOP’s Played-Out Race Card

The GOP’s Played-Out Race Card The GOP’s Played-Out Race Card

Republicans are turning to tired, failed strategies in an effort to alienate both black and white voters from President Obama.

May 23, 2012 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

GOP Super PACs Dominate Early Ads With Lies GOP Super PACs Dominate Early Ads With Lies

Conservative Super PACs are outraising and outspending the liberal ones. And they are spreading lies. 

May 22, 2012 / Ben Adler

Ilyse Hogue and Robert Reich: Mitt Romney’s Jobs Record Is Fair Game Ilyse Hogue and Robert Reich: Mitt Romney’s Jobs Record Is Fair Game

Why are commentators comparing unrelated political attacks as though they were equivalent?

May 22, 2012 / Press Room

Noted Noted

Ari Berman on Mitt Romney’s bogus job numbers.

May 16, 2012 / Ari Berman

Reality Bites Republicans Reality Bites Republicans

Political watchdogs like PolitiFact and the Washington Post's "Fact-Checker" are accused of favoring Democrats—but it is the facts themselves that have a liberal bi...

May 16, 2012 / Chris Mooney

Romney’s Cowardly Speech on the Deficit Romney’s Cowardly Speech on the Deficit

Mitt says he will lead on debt reduction, but he avoids saying how. 

May 15, 2012 / Ben Adler

Did Obama Endorse Gay Marriage for Political Reasons? Good. Did Obama Endorse Gay Marriage for Political Reasons? Good.

Many Americans think the president came out for gay marriage for political motivations. That could be a good thing.

May 15, 2012 / Ari Melber

Why Obama Must Hold Wall Street Accountable Why Obama Must Hold Wall Street Accountable

Obama stands the best shot at getting re-elected by making the election a choice between the 99 percent and the 1 percent.

May 15, 2012 / Ari Berman

The National Security State Wins (Again) The National Security State Wins (Again)

Why the real victor in Campaign 2012 won’t be Obama or Romney.

May 15, 2012 / William J. Astore
