Romney Worships 2011’s False Idol: Paul Ryan Romney Worships 2011’s False Idol: Paul Ryan
His embrace of Ryan might work with Iowa caucus voters, but it won't help Romney win general election voters who want to save Social Security.
Dec 30, 2011 / John Nichols
Rising Rick Santorum Would Rewrite the Constitution, Abolish Courts Rising Rick Santorum Would Rewrite the Constitution, Abolish Courts
Determined to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage and overturn Roe v. Wade, Santorum espouses fringe views—but that’s the basis of his appeal to religi...
Dec 29, 2011 / John Nichols
Gingrich’s Iowa Crash Has GOP Base Hunting for Next Anti-Romney Gingrich’s Iowa Crash Has GOP Base Hunting for Next Anti-Romney
Newt will likely finish fourth or fifth in Iowa. What comes next? Rick Santorum, your fifteen minutes have arrived.
Dec 28, 2011 / John Nichols
Iowa GOP Seeks to Suppress Occupy’s Push for ‘Uncommitted’ Caucus Voting Iowa GOP Seeks to Suppress Occupy’s Push for ‘Uncommitted’ Caucus Voting
Iowa Republicans have announced they won’t count “Uncommitted” and “No Preference” votes.
Dec 27, 2011 / John Nichols
Jeremy Scahill: How US Foreign Policy Has Lurched Rightward Jeremy Scahill: How US Foreign Policy Has Lurched Rightward
When voters go to the booth next year, how will they vote on foreign policy? What options do they have?
Dec 22, 2011 / Francis Reynolds
Why Ron Paul Is Not the Tea Party Candidate Why Ron Paul Is Not the Tea Party Candidate
Ron Paul may be the purest fiscal conservative, but Tea Partiers have the same concerns about him that other Republicans do: foreign policy and electability.
Dec 22, 2011 / Ben Adler
Iowa Challenge for Obama: Dem Caucus Votes for ‘Uncommitted’ Slate Iowa Challenge for Obama: Dem Caucus Votes for ‘Uncommitted’ Slate
Health Care Not Warfare campaigners propose a Democratic Caucus alternative to Obama: an uncommitted slate. Others urge caucus goers from both parties to reject current contenders ...
Dec 20, 2011 / John Nichols
Does Romney Oppose Discrimination Against Gays? Does Romney Oppose Discrimination Against Gays?
Gov. Mitt Romney claims to have consistently opposed anti-gay discrimination throughout his career, but his past statements contradict him.
Dec 19, 2011 / Ben Adler
Caucuses Will Still Lack Absentee Voting Caucuses Will Still Lack Absentee Voting
Republican caucuses, including the influential first in the nation contest in Iowa, will disenfranchise the disabled and members of the military.
Dec 19, 2011 / Ben Adler
How Obama’s Embrace Turned Teddy Roosevelt Into a Socialist How Obama’s Embrace Turned Teddy Roosevelt Into a Socialist
After Obama cited Roosevelt in his Kansas speech, Fox News has decided that TR peddled “socialistic nationalism.”
Dec 7, 2011 / John Nichols