Election 2016

Scott Walker at RNC

The Horrible Humbling of Scott Walker The Horrible Humbling of Scott Walker

You know all that #NeverTrump talk? #NeverMind, says the intimidated governor.

Jul 21, 2016 / John Nichols

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Was Not the Hero Republicans Needed Ted Cruz Was Not the Hero Republicans Needed

Even worse, did Donald Trump get exactly what he wanted when the convention imploded?

Jul 21, 2016 / George Zornick

Islamophobes, White Supremacists, and Gays for Trump—the Alt-Right Arrives at the RNC

Islamophobes, White Supremacists, and Gays for Trump—the Alt-Right Arrives at the RNC Islamophobes, White Supremacists, and Gays for Trump—the Alt-Right Arrives at the RNC

Pamela Geller, Milo Yiannopoulos, Geert Wilders, Peter Brimelow, Richard Spencer, and a cast of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim conservatives partied into the night.

Jul 20, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Hillary for Prison RNC T-Shirt

‘Hillary for Prison’ Has Officially Gone Mainstream ‘Hillary for Prison’ Has Officially Gone Mainstream

The GOP convention has been one long plea for Hillary Clinton's incarceration.

Jul 20, 2016 / George Zornick

A New Study Adds Fuel to Calls for a Fracking Ban

A New Study Adds Fuel to Calls for a Fracking Ban A New Study Adds Fuel to Calls for a Fracking Ban

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, researchers found that people living near fracking activity face a “significantly higher” risk of asthma attacks. 

Jul 20, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Geert Wilders at the RNC

Why Dutch Far-Right Extremist Geert Wilders Has Come to Cleveland to Cheer On Donald Trump Why Dutch Far-Right Extremist Geert Wilders Has Come to Cleveland to Cheer On Donald Trump

Making the rounds at the Republican National Convention, the virulent critic of Islam embraces the Republican nominee’s message and candidacy.

Jul 20, 2016 / John Nichols

The Republican Reality Show Is in Full Swing

The Republican Reality Show Is in Full Swing The Republican Reality Show Is in Full Swing

Take care, Republican strategists. If you mount an exclusively anti-Hillary campaign, the Democrats will hit back in kind, and the Donald is a ripe target.

Jul 20, 2016 / Richard Lingeman

Our Readers on How to Build the Political Revolution

Our Readers on How to Build the Political Revolution Our Readers on How to Build the Political Revolution

Nation supporters weigh in on how to create a future to believe in.

Jul 20, 2016 / Our Readers

Kerry, Lavrov, de Mistura at talks in Munich

The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia

Events from Turkey, Washington, Moscow, and Syria to Cleveland affect the Obama-Putin attempted rapprochement.

Jul 20, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The RNC Stays Focused on Bashing Clinton

The RNC Stays Focused on Bashing Clinton The RNC Stays Focused on Bashing Clinton

Trump’s children are the only convention speakers articulating a positive case for the Republican nominee.

Jul 20, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan
