A Billionaire, Some Millionaires, and a No-Show Senator Debate How Best to Block Wage Hikes A Billionaire, Some Millionaires, and a No-Show Senator Debate How Best to Block Wage Hikes
Fast-food workers were on the streets asking for wage hikes and union rights, but the candidates spoke to the billionaire class.
Nov 11, 2015 / John Nichols

Am I the Only Person Who Thinks Larry David Wasn’t Funny on Trump’s ‘SNL’? Am I the Only Person Who Thinks Larry David Wasn’t Funny on Trump’s ‘SNL’?
Shouting “Trump’s a racist!” helped inoculate Trump—and SNL—from seeming racist.
Nov 10, 2015 / Leslie Savan

Ms. Fiorina, What Is Your Favorite Color? Ms. Fiorina, What Is Your Favorite Color?
And other questions from the GOP dream debate.
Nov 10, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Rand Paul Should Make Tuesday’s Debate About US Troops in Syria and Undeclared Wars Rand Paul Should Make Tuesday’s Debate About US Troops in Syria and Undeclared Wars
The senator is an outspoken skeptic when it comes to military adventurism. Tuesday’s debate offers a chance for him to object—loudly.
Nov 10, 2015 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton Lands a Key Endorsement From the League of Conservation Voters Hillary Clinton Lands a Key Endorsement From the League of Conservation Voters
In its earliest endorsement ever in a presidential race, a key environmental group backs the Democratic front-runner.
Nov 9, 2015 / John Nichols

Worried About Voter Turnout? Demand an Election Day Holiday Worried About Voter Turnout? Demand an Election Day Holiday
Voters need time to vote.
Nov 9, 2015 / NationAction and Brave New Films

Please, Democrats: Don’t Attack Bernie Sanders for Joining Your Party Please, Democrats: Don’t Attack Bernie Sanders for Joining Your Party
Martin O’Malley is trying to score points by attacking socialist Sanders for running as a Democrat. That will only hurt his party.
Nov 9, 2015 / Joan Walsh

The Republican Debate Fiasco Is About to Get Dumb and Dumber The Republican Debate Fiasco Is About to Get Dumb and Dumber
Arbitrary decisions are sending candidates who actually have something to say to oblivion.
Nov 6, 2015 / John Nichols

Can Clinton Mend Fences With Netanyahu? Can Clinton Mend Fences With Netanyahu?
The Democratic presidential hopeful says she can make it right with Israel’s conservative prime minister, but offers no specifics.
Nov 6, 2015 / Ali Gharib

LIVE: The Presidential Candidate Immigration Forum LIVE: The Presidential Candidate Immigration Forum
Tune in this Sunday and Monday for a live conversation featuring Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley.
Nov 5, 2015 / The Nation