Election 2016

Donald Trump

What My Escape From Hitler’s Germany Taught Me About Trump’s America What My Escape From Hitler’s Germany Taught Me About Trump’s America

And what Trump’s America teaches us about Netanyahu’s Israel.

Jul 27, 2018 / Henry Siegman

Helsinki Summit: Handshake between Putin and Trump

The Elite Fixation With Russiagate The Elite Fixation With Russiagate

Does a broader public share this sense of crisis?

Jul 26, 2018 / Aaron Maté

Trump and Putin Billboard

Trump as New Cold War Heretic Trump as New Cold War Heretic

The president has broken with the nearly 20-year orthodoxy of blaming Russia alone for today’s post-Soviet confrontations.

Jul 18, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Helsinki Summit: Handshake between Putin and Trump

Parsing the Surreal From the Sensible in Trump’s Helsinki Performance Parsing the Surreal From the Sensible in Trump’s Helsinki Performance

He made many bizarre comments, but he is right to want to reduce tensions with Russia.

Jul 18, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy

Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle

It isn’t just the story of a few corrupt officials, or even a corrupt president. It’s the story of a corrupt Republican Party.

Jul 17, 2018 / David Klion

Jamie Raskin at a House Committee on the Judiciary and House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing

Jamie Raskin Just Delivered a Devastating Takedown of GOP Hypocrisy Jamie Raskin Just Delivered a Devastating Takedown of GOP Hypocrisy

The Maryland congressman exposed the absolute absurdity of Republican attempts to derail inquiries into wrongdoing by the Trump campaign.

Jul 13, 2018 / John Nichols

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thumbs Up

Progressive Insurgents Are Propelling Democrats Into the Future Progressive Insurgents Are Propelling Democrats Into the Future

Democrats would be wise to embrace the passion that progressive insurgents are bringing to the fight. 

Jul 10, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

janus protest supreme court

The Supreme Court’s Five ‘Black-Robed Rulers’ The Supreme Court’s Five ‘Black-Robed Rulers’

In a time of deep polarization, the lawless majority of the Court has chosen to side with the powerful few against the vast majority.

Jul 3, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump Putin G20

Who’s Afraid of a Trump-Putin Summit? Who’s Afraid of a Trump-Putin Summit?

If it actually occurs, never in the 75-year history of such US-Russian meetings will an American president have had so much opposition and so little support at home.

Jun 27, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Red Square in Moscow

Russiagate’s ‘Core Narrative’ Has Always Lacked Actual Evidence Russiagate’s ‘Core Narrative’ Has Always Lacked Actual Evidence

The unprecedented allegation that the Kremlin “attacked America” and “colluded” with its president in order to elect him is based on two documents devoid of facts or logic.

Jun 20, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen
