What’s Next for the GOP After the Obamacare Ruling? What’s Next for the GOP After the Obamacare Ruling?
Republicans should probably be relieved at the outcome, but more trouble lies ahead.
Jun 26, 2015 / George Zornick

Green Jill Stein Is Fighting for Open Debates and Real Democracy Green Jill Stein Is Fighting for Open Debates and Real Democracy
“The American people have the right to hear from the full spectrum of their choices.”
Jun 24, 2015 / John Nichols

Bobby Jindal Broke Louisiana So Badly That Even the GOP Doesn’t Want Him Bobby Jindal Broke Louisiana So Badly That Even the GOP Doesn’t Want Him
Inevitability is just about the only thing animating Jindal’s presidential bid.
Jun 24, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

No Matter Who Wins, 2016 Will Be All About the Bankers No Matter Who Wins, 2016 Will Be All About the Bankers
Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton will face off in the presidential race—but the real battle will be between the billionaires backing them.
Jun 24, 2015 / Nomi Prins

Congressional Democrats Introduce Ambitious New Bill to Restore the Voting Rights Act Congressional Democrats Introduce Ambitious New Bill to Restore the Voting Rights Act
Two years ago, the Supreme Court gutted the VRA. Senator Patrick Leahy and Congressman John Lewis have a plan to fix that.
Jun 24, 2015 / Ari Berman

Voter Participation Is at Historic Lows. It’s Time to Rethink GOTV. Voter Participation Is at Historic Lows. It’s Time to Rethink GOTV.
Non-voters are more progressive than voters as a whole. My new campaign will get them to the ballot box.
Jun 22, 2015 / Rep. Keith Ellison

Ready for Warren Becomes Ready to Fight and Backs Bernie Sanders Ready for Warren Becomes Ready to Fight and Backs Bernie Sanders
Surging in the polls, Sanders gets an important grassroots endorsement.
Jun 19, 2015 / John Nichols

Jeb Bush on Climate Change: A Long History of Consistent Inconsistency Jeb Bush on Climate Change: A Long History of Consistent Inconsistency
As governor of Florida, Bush said publicly that climate change was not a “top priority.” He also quietly ordered a review of policy options for responding to it.
Jun 18, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Why Do Journalists Take Delusional Presidential Candidates So Seriously? Why Do Journalists Take Delusional Presidential Candidates So Seriously?
George Pataki’s campaign is a figment of his imagination. But that didn’t stop the press from covering it as if it were the real thing.
Jun 17, 2015 / Column / Eric Alterman

A Shaky Start for Jeb Bush A Shaky Start for Jeb Bush
“He has been torn between defending and distancing himself from George W. Bush.” —The New York Times Jeb’s path was thought an easy stroll, But George has made it steeper…
Jun 17, 2015 / Column / Calvin Trillin