Election 2016

Mike Pompeo

The Koch Brothers’ Favorite Congressman Will Be in Charge of the CIA The Koch Brothers’ Favorite Congressman Will Be in Charge of the CIA

Mike Pompeo is an extremist who stokes fears of Muslims and talks of executing Edward Snowden.

Nov 18, 2016 / John Nichols

East Lansing union protest

Workers Don’t Need Trump to Give Them a Voice. They Need Unions. Workers Don’t Need Trump to Give Them a Voice. They Need Unions.

The key to rebuilding the working class is labor organizing, not scapegoating people of color and immigrants.

Nov 18, 2016 / David Madland

White Democratic Leadership

It’s Time to Diversify the Democratic Party Leadership It’s Time to Diversify the Democratic Party Leadership

Why do the people who control the party purse strings all look the same?

Nov 18, 2016 / Steve Phillips

Dr. Harry Edwards

‘We Have an Obligation to Fight This Madness’ ‘We Have an Obligation to Fight This Madness’

An interview with Dr. Harry Edwards, adviser to athlete-activists from Muhammad Ali to Colin Kaepernick.

Nov 18, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions, Trump’s Pick for Attorney General, Is a Fierce Opponent of Civil Rights Jeff Sessions, Trump’s Pick for Attorney General, Is a Fierce Opponent of Civil Rights

He wrongly prosecuted black activists for voter fraud, was blocked from a judgeship because of racist statements, and opposed the Voting Rights Act.

Nov 18, 2016 / Ari Berman

Stephen Bannon

Tell Congress: Fight the Appointment of Stephen Bannon Tell Congress: Fight the Appointment of Stephen Bannon

A white nationalist has no place in the White House.

Nov 17, 2016 / NationAction

Trump in Albany

Why the Working Class and the Left Fail as a Couple and What to Do About It Why the Working Class and the Left Fail as a Couple and What to Do About It

We have a lot to work out. 

Nov 17, 2016 / Sara Niccoli

March For Life 2015

Eighty-One Percent of White Evangelicals Voted for Donald Trump. Why? Eighty-One Percent of White Evangelicals Voted for Donald Trump. Why?

The role abortion played in this election might be bigger than many think.

Nov 17, 2016 / Katherine Stewart

Steven Mnuchin

Bank Led by Trump Treasury Pick Accused of Racial Discrimination Bank Led by Trump Treasury Pick Accused of Racial Discrimination

Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank allegedly violated the Fair Housing Act by redlining.

Nov 17, 2016 / David Dayen

Rutgers University protest

Help Fight the Good Fight in Trump’s America—And Tell Us How You’re Getting Involved Help Fight the Good Fight in Trump’s America—And Tell Us How You’re Getting Involved

We’re looking to direct our readers to good community-based, local organizations where people can get their hands dirty organizing or volunteering.

Nov 17, 2016 / Ali Gharib
