Election 2016

New York Post Cover

Election 2016 and the Collapse of Journalistic Standards Election 2016 and the Collapse of Journalistic Standards

It would be hard to imagine a worse indictment of our media than the coverage of Candidate Trump.

Nov 10, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman

Election Night

Election Night Election Night

So what couldn’t happen (we’d learned from the polls) Had happened before 12 o’clock. There’s much to discuss about what all this means. But later. Right now I’m in shock.

Nov 10, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Donald Trump in Iowa

Mourn. Resist. Organize. These Are Our Tasks Now. Mourn. Resist. Organize. These Are Our Tasks Now.

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Trump’s win, John Nichols on the Democrats, and Laila Lalami on vulnerable Muslims.

Nov 10, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Trump supporters

The Plain People Spoke on November 8. Will the Powerful Listen? The Plain People Spoke on November 8. Will the Powerful Listen?

Like it or not, Tuesday’s ballot-box rebellion was a profound act of small-d democracy.

Nov 9, 2016 / William Greider

Clinton supporters

Don’t Just Grieve for Immigrants—Fight for Immigrants Don’t Just Grieve for Immigrants—Fight for Immigrants

Millions of our family and friends are in immediate danger—some are in a database being delivered to Donald Trump. Check on your people, and be ready to stand with them.

Nov 9, 2016 / Aura Bogado

Mississippi voting

The GOP’s Attack on Voting Rights Was the Most Under-Covered Story of 2016 The GOP’s Attack on Voting Rights Was the Most Under-Covered Story of 2016

This was the first presidential election in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.

Nov 9, 2016 / Ari Berman

Minimum wage protest

Inequality Gave Rise to Donald Trump’s Presidency Inequality Gave Rise to Donald Trump’s Presidency

But few of the 60 million Americans who cast their votes for Trump want to see a more top-heavy America.

Nov 9, 2016 / Sarah Anderson, Chuck Collins, Josh Hoxie, and Sam Pizzigati

Clinton supporters watch results

Welcome to the Fight Welcome to the Fight

If we withdraw into our grief and abandon those most threatened by Trump’s win, history will never forgive us.

Nov 9, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Why Trump Won

Why Trump Won Why Trump Won

The Obama coalition works only if Democrats don’t throw white working people out of the boat.

Nov 9, 2016 / Robert L. Borosage

It Really Is That Bad

It Really Is That Bad It Really Is That Bad

So now we must get very good at saying ‘no’ to Trumpism.

Nov 9, 2016 / John Nichols
