Election 2020

Put Elizabeth Warren in Charge of Writing the Democratic Platform

Put Elizabeth Warren in Charge of Writing the Democratic Platform Put Elizabeth Warren in Charge of Writing the Democratic Platform

The senator should chair a supercharged platform committee and lead in the forging of an agenda for big, bold structural change.

Mar 6, 2020 / John Nichols

Bloomberg on break during Las Vegas Debate

‘This Was a Grift’: Bloomberg Staffers Explain His Campaign’s Demise ‘This Was a Grift’: Bloomberg Staffers Explain His Campaign’s Demise

When Elizabeth Warren embarrassed Bloomberg on the debate stage, his lackluster campaign was effectively over.

Mar 6, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Elizabeth Warren at a campaign rally on Super Tuesday

Sexism Sank Elizabeth Warren Sexism Sank Elizabeth Warren

Warren was a brilliant candidate who would have made a great president. The problem? She’s a woman—and she isn’t “perfect.”

Mar 5, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Elizabeth Warren speaks at a Super Tuesday rally

Elizabeth Warren Still Has a Choice to Make Elizabeth Warren Still Has a Choice to Make

The stakes are too high for her to remain on the sidelines.

Mar 5, 2020 / D.D. Guttenplan

Centrism Is Not Inevitable. A Better Future Is Possible for Texas.

Centrism Is Not Inevitable. A Better Future Is Possible for Texas. Centrism Is Not Inevitable. A Better Future Is Possible for Texas.

The Democratic establishment can’t stop Bernie from sowing the seeds of a better future that young people want.

Mar 5, 2020 / Steve Cobble

Jane and Bernie Sanders speaking to a large crowd in California.

Biden May Now Be the Front-Runner, but Sanders’s Huge California Win Can’t Be Ignored Biden May Now Be the Front-Runner, but Sanders’s Huge California Win Can’t Be Ignored

The Vermont senator retains great power in the West, among Latinos, and in urban centers across the nation—and his key issues are now embedded in the Democratic Party.

Mar 4, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Joe Biden

Can Sanders Blunt Biden’s Surge? Can Sanders Blunt Biden’s Surge?

As the race narrows, the Sanders campaign’s best hope is to draw contrasts on Social Security and foreign policy.

Mar 4, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Boris Johnson

Democrats Need to Learn From Boris Johnson’s Success, Not Jeremy Corbyn’s Failure Democrats Need to Learn From Boris Johnson’s Success, Not Jeremy Corbyn’s Failure

The party has drawn the wrong lessons from the recent UK election and ignores the truth at its collective peril.

Mar 4, 2020 / Marshall Auerback


Network News’s Climate Disappearing Act—Will 2020 Be Different? Network News’s Climate Disappearing Act—Will 2020 Be Different?

With Super Tuesday past, can we finally talk seriously about climate change?

Mar 4, 2020 / Mark Hertsgaard

On Biden’s Big Night, Sanders Warns Against ‘Same Old’ Politics

On Biden’s Big Night, Sanders Warns Against ‘Same Old’ Politics On Biden’s Big Night, Sanders Warns Against ‘Same Old’ Politics

The former vice president is surging, but the Vermont senator is still waging a political revolution.

Mar 4, 2020 / John Nichols
