Election 2020

Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire

Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire Climate Is on the Ballot in New Hampshire

The Sunrise Movement and other groups have demanded that climate be a top issue, and Democrats like Sanders, Warren, and Steyer are responding.

Feb 11, 2020 / John Nichols

Trucks hauling containers

It’s Still the Economy, Stupid It’s Still the Economy, Stupid

As recession fears recede, Democrats need to remember that it’s easier to convince people to gamble on social democracy in good times.

Feb 10, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Amy Klobuchar Still Takes Newspapers Seriously

Amy Klobuchar Still Takes Newspapers Seriously Amy Klobuchar Still Takes Newspapers Seriously

The senator is collecting endorsements and highlighting them as part of a campaign that is rising in the polls.

Feb 10, 2020 / John Nichols

The Center Is a Decaying Piece of Real Estate

The Center Is a Decaying Piece of Real Estate The Center Is a Decaying Piece of Real Estate

And Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not clinging to it.

Feb 10, 2020 / Column / Shuja Haider

In New Hampshire, Bernie Battles Buttigieg, Billionaires, and Big Money

In New Hampshire, Bernie Battles Buttigieg, Billionaires, and Big Money In New Hampshire, Bernie Battles Buttigieg, Billionaires, and Big Money

The Granite State primary is shaping up to be a test run for the coming race against Michael Bloomberg.

Feb 8, 2020 / John Nichols

A Tired Biden Gives Klobuchar a Chance to Shine

A Tired Biden Gives Klobuchar a Chance to Shine A Tired Biden Gives Klobuchar a Chance to Shine

The supposed front-runner is talking like a defeated candidate—and it’s catching up to him.

Feb 8, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders closed the gap with votes from college campuses, mosques, and union halls, where newly organized and energized voters had his back.

Feb 7, 2020 / John Nichols

Live Chat: Watch the 8th Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’

Live Chat: Watch the 8th Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’ Live Chat: Watch the 8th Democratic Debate With ‘The Nation’

Our stellar cast of commentators is back again, analyzing and commenting on the eighth Democratic presidential debate.

Feb 7, 2020 / The Nation

Poster of Trump at a women's march rally that says

Trump Is a Would-Be Dictator Trump Is a Would-Be Dictator

Within minutes of his Senate acquittal, he was tweeting a video depicting him winning every election for the next several thousand years, ending with the logo “Trump 4EVA.”

Feb 7, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Universal Coverage Is Not Only Realistic, It’s a Better System

Universal Coverage Is Not Only Realistic, It’s a Better System Universal Coverage Is Not Only Realistic, It’s a Better System

Our health care outcomes are worse than any developed country, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Feb 7, 2020 / J. Mijin Cha
