Election 2020

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

A DIY Cartoon for Your Post-Election Spiral A DIY Cartoon for Your Post-Election Spiral

Now, it’s just a waiting game. 

Nov 3, 2020 / Tom Tomorrow

America Votes: Live Updates—and Some Rants

America Votes: Live Updates—and Some Rants America Votes: Live Updates—and Some Rants

From the state of play in Texas to the latest scam lawsuits by the GOP, Elie Mystal explains what’s happening and where—and whether we should be freaking out or can breathe a bit e...

Nov 3, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Don’t Just Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch

Don’t Just Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch Don’t Just Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch

Ending Donald Trump’s presidency isn’t enough. To govern decisively, Democrats must take the Senate.

Nov 3, 2020 / John Nichols

Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now

Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now

Costa Gavras’s classic antifascist thriller reminds us that the moment of reckoning constitutes not the end of the story, but the beginning.

Nov 3, 2020 / Margaret Spillane

To Repair Our Country, Start by Repairing Our Political Language

To Repair Our Country, Start by Repairing Our Political Language To Repair Our Country, Start by Repairing Our Political Language

I understand and share the anger of those who say “defund the police,” but our job in the political arena is to make a better world for everyone—even those we disagree with.

Nov 3, 2020 / Walter Mosley

John Cornyn in front of a small microphone.

What Will a Texas-Sized Turnout Mean for Trump and Cornyn? What Will a Texas-Sized Turnout Mean for Trump and Cornyn?

With record voter turnout in early voting, Texas is a presidential toss-up. John Cornyn is getting worried.

Nov 3, 2020 / Justin Miller and The Texas Observer

Letters Icon

Letters From the November 16/23, 2020, Issue Letters From the November 16/23, 2020, Issue

L'union fait la force… A familiar playbook… The fine print… Please don’t go!

Nov 3, 2020 / Our Readers

We’ve Been on Trump’s Road for a Long Time

We’ve Been on Trump’s Road for a Long Time We’ve Been on Trump’s Road for a Long Time

Trump is only a symptom of what’s been ailing America since the 1970s. Even if he loses the election, we’ll still be living in his country.

Nov 2, 2020 / Tom Engelhardt

A sign reads

The Time Is Now: Dump Trump! The Time Is Now: Dump Trump!

Herewith a short—very short—list of his most egregious crimes. And why there’s no room for anything but a thumping, indisputable Biden victory.

Nov 2, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky
