Election 2020

Three Amigos

Three Amigos Three Amigos

Unique leaders: Governors Abbott, DeSantis, and Ducey.

Jul 9, 2020 / OppArt / Steve Brodner

Charles Booker raises his fist

Charles Booker Could Have Won Charles Booker Could Have Won

If progressive organizations keep waiting for candidates to catch fire before they hop on board, we’re doomed to keep losing winnable races.

Jul 8, 2020 / Karthik Ganapathy

Topple the Electoral College

Topple the Electoral College Topple the Electoral College

A Supreme Court ruling upholding restrictions on “faithless electors” does nothing to legitimize this antidemocratic institution.

Jul 6, 2020 / John Nichols

Donald Trump walks toward Air Force One

A Shattered Nation Isn’t Buying Trump’s Angry Nationalism A Shattered Nation Isn’t Buying Trump’s Angry Nationalism

It’s harder to run on American exceptionalism in a country increasingly filled with doubts about its ability to solve fundamental problems.

Jul 6, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Steve Bullock

Can This Montana Governor Deliver the Senate to the Democrats? Can This Montana Governor Deliver the Senate to the Democrats?

Steve Bullock’s knack for navigating local politics could have national implications as he runs against a Trump-aligned incumbent.

Jul 6, 2020 / Gabriel Furshong

Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee

Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee

Adding an anti-war progressive with Lee’s record to the ticket would energize the base and appeal to disengaged and disenchanted voters.

Jul 3, 2020 / John Nichols

Imagining a New Mount Rushmore

Imagining a New Mount Rushmore Imagining a New Mount Rushmore

What would a monument for our current Trumpian moment look like?

Jul 3, 2020 / Lawrence Weschler

Alt Trump Rallies

Alt Trump Rallies Alt Trump Rallies

(But read the fine print.)

Jul 2, 2020 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

The Climate Emergency Won’t Wait for the Press to Play Catch-up Again

The Climate Emergency Won’t Wait for the Press to Play Catch-up Again The Climate Emergency Won’t Wait for the Press to Play Catch-up Again

Newsrooms have to cover the real horse race in 2020: the race against climate breakdown.

Jul 1, 2020 / Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope

Donald Trump

Trolling Trump, the Lincoln Project Also Peddles Militarism Trolling Trump, the Lincoln Project Also Peddles Militarism

The Never Trump super PAC makes entertaining ads that get under the president’s skin—but progressives should take a closer look at their agenda.

Jul 1, 2020 / Jeet Heer
