Is Skepticism Treason? Is Skepticism Treason?
Despite the scores of media pieces which assert that Russia’s interference in the election is “case closed,” some cyber experts say skepticism is still in order.
Jan 3, 2017 / James Carden

3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches 3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches
Ultimately, the party’s fortunes will depend on recruiting a new generation of progressive leaders who can harness the power of social movements and drive it into electoral politic...
Jan 3, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A Resolution for 2017: Keep Reminding Trump That He Has No Mandate A Resolution for 2017: Keep Reminding Trump That He Has No Mandate
Republicans opposed Obama and a Democratic Congress that had broad support. Democrats must now oppose Trump and a Republican Congress that lacks it.
Dec 30, 2016 / John Nichols

Charles Dickens and the Ghosts of Christmas Present Charles Dickens and the Ghosts of Christmas Present
Our duty as citizens and humans does not end with an electoral disappointment. It begins.
Dec 24, 2016 / John Nichols

Fake News Is Not the Real Media Threat We’re Facing Fake News Is Not the Real Media Threat We’re Facing
What the conservative media machine does is much more dangerous.
Dec 22, 2016 / David A. Bell

Here’s an Organizing Strategy to Revive the Democratic Party That Doesn’t Depend on White Voters Here’s an Organizing Strategy to Revive the Democratic Party That Doesn’t Depend on White Voters
Many Democrats assume it’s impossible to get more people of color to vote. That’s just not true.
Dec 22, 2016 / Steve Phillips

Pax Trumpanica? Pax Trumpanica?
He said that torture was OK. He’d bomb the bad guys off the map. He now sounds much less bellicose— A cuddly dog on Putin’s lap.
Dec 22, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Letters From the January 16-23, 2017, Issue Letters From the January 16-23, 2017, Issue
Reading the future in the past… Onward?… Data matters… An old debate, renewed…
Dec 22, 2016 / Our Readers

Why the Green Party Continues to Demand Presidential Recounts Why the Green Party Continues to Demand Presidential Recounts
And how we are working to make our electoral system work for all of us.
Dec 21, 2016 / David Cobb

Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking! Declassify the Evidence of Russian Hacking!
The debate over possible intervention in the election should be based on publicly disclosed evidence, not unverifiable, anonymous leaks.
Dec 21, 2016 / The Nation