
Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Here’s What Happens When You Try to Talk a Trump Supporter Out of Their Vote Here’s What Happens When You Try to Talk a Trump Supporter Out of Their Vote


Sep 27, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won

At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won

“Donald, I know you live in your own reality,” she said calmly. And it gradually became clear she was right.

Sep 27, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Hillary Clinton Prepared for the Debate, and Showed She Is Prepared for the Presidency

Hillary Clinton Prepared for the Debate, and Showed She Is Prepared for the Presidency Hillary Clinton Prepared for the Debate, and Showed She Is Prepared for the Presidency

It was a winning line on what for Hillary Clinton was a winning night.

Sep 27, 2016 / John Nichols

Donald Trump Smiling

Have You Ever Seen Donald Trump Laugh? Have You Ever Seen Donald Trump Laugh?

As Trump himself might say, there’s something going on.

Sep 26, 2016 / Leslie Savan

Person in monitor on debate stage

Actually, Moderators Probably Shouldn’t Let Candidates Tell Bald-Faced Lies Actually, Moderators Probably Shouldn’t Let Candidates Tell Bald-Faced Lies

The Commission on Presidential Debates is sending exactly the wrong signal regarding the role of the moderator in tonight’s Clinton-Trump debate.

Sep 26, 2016 / John Nichols

Ask the Candidates if They Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana—and, if Not, Why?

Ask the Candidates if They Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana—and, if Not, Why? Ask the Candidates if They Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana—and, if Not, Why?

An Arizona referendum provides a perfect opening for questions that need to be asked.

Sep 24, 2016 / John Nichols


19 Questions From ‘Nation’ Writers That Trump and Clinton Should Answer at the Presidential Debate 19 Questions From ‘Nation’ Writers That Trump and Clinton Should Answer at the Presidential Debate

We want answers on foreign policy, inequality, nuclear weapons, crime and policing, and more.

Sep 23, 2016 / The Nation

Donald Trump debate

Yes, Donald Trump Can Win the First Debate—Here’s How Yes, Donald Trump Can Win the First Debate—Here’s How

If the moderator lets him lie, Clinton could be in trouble.

Sep 23, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Trump Baton Rouge

America Has Gotten So Absurd That We Are Seriously Considering Electing a Walking Ponzi Scheme as President America Has Gotten So Absurd That We Are Seriously Considering Electing a Walking Ponzi Scheme as President

Welcome to the United States, where war, nukes, and birther conspiracy theories reign supreme.

Sep 22, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

Des Moines Democratic debate

There’s One Other Reason Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Should Be Invited to the Debates There’s One Other Reason Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Should Be Invited to the Debates

Third-party presidential candidates help to force the conversation on hot-button issues—like pardoning Edward Snowden.

Sep 22, 2016 / John Nichols
