
Bernie Sanders

The Sanders Movement Is Only Just Beginning The Sanders Movement Is Only Just Beginning

After a campaign that forced Democrats to have a real debate about ideas, Sanders and his supporters are now moving—and fighting—to continue the political revolution they started.

Aug 9, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel


Are Hillary Clinton’s Strong Poll Numbers Misleading? Are Hillary Clinton’s Strong Poll Numbers Misleading?

Pundits are afraid that Trump is doing better than the numbers suggest.

Aug 8, 2016 / Jon Wiener

TPP protestors hold signs

Grassroots Democrats Are Making the TPP a Big Issue in Congressional Races Grassroots Democrats Are Making the TPP a Big Issue in Congressional Races

Opponents of the flawed trade deal are making the issue central to primary campaigns.

Aug 8, 2016 / John Nichols

Berta Sandes

Undocumented Immigrants Can’t Vote, but They’re Still Making Their Voices Heard Undocumented Immigrants Can’t Vote, but They’re Still Making Their Voices Heard

Even without citizenship, undocumented immigrants have a big impact on our democracy.

Aug 8, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Capitol One Bank

This Year, Both Major Party Platforms Include Reinstating Glass-Steagall. Let’s Make Sure It Happens This Year, Both Major Party Platforms Include Reinstating Glass-Steagall. Let’s Make Sure It Happens

We have an opportunity to finally rein in the big banks.

Aug 8, 2016 / NationAction

Marine Le Pen sings national anthem

France’s National Front Draws Strength From Brexit France’s National Front Draws Strength From Brexit

The party has long shrouded racism in the language of “self-determination”—now, they feel vindicated.

Aug 5, 2016 / Richard Wolin

Donald Trump and Paul Ryan splitscreen

Trump and Ryan Deserve Each Other Trump and Ryan Deserve Each Other

Ryan legitimized Trump, and now he’s getting what he deserves.

Aug 5, 2016 / John Nichols

Dwight D. Eisenhower and Donald Trump

How Did GOP Presidential Nominations Decline From a World War II General to a Narcissistic TV Celebrity? How Did GOP Presidential Nominations Decline From a World War II General to a Narcissistic TV Celebrity?

This does not represent progress.

Aug 4, 2016 / Andrew J. Bacevich

NSA Headquarters

We Should Be Shocked, Shocked, at Reports of Russian Interference in US Elections We Should Be Shocked, Shocked, at Reports of Russian Interference in US Elections

Because, you know, it’s not as if Washington has ever done the same thing to other countries.

Aug 3, 2016 / William Greider

Pramila Jayapal speaking

Pramila Jayapal Just Scored One of the Biggest Progressive Victories of 2016 Pramila Jayapal Just Scored One of the Biggest Progressive Victories of 2016

She was one of the first congressional candidates this year to earn an endorsement from Bernie Sanders.

Aug 3, 2016 / John Nichols
