What Trump’s and Clinton’s Reactions to Orlando Tell Us About Their Foreign Policies What Trump’s and Clinton’s Reactions to Orlando Tell Us About Their Foreign Policies
If Clinton follows a long line of liberal hawks, Trump would return us to the unilateral approach to world affairs practiced by George W. Bush.
Jun 16, 2016 / James Carden

The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged
But now Clinton and Sanders supporters should unite on making it easier to vote.
Jun 16, 2016 / Ari Berman

Life and Death in Gay Orlando Life and Death in Gay Orlando
Nadine Smith on Gay Orlando before, and after, Saturday’s attack; plus Harold Meyerson on what’s next for Hillary and Bernie, and Adam Hochschild on the Spanish Civil War.
Jun 16, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

The Trumpification of Cable News The Trumpification of Cable News
In a desperate grab for ratings, MSNBC and CNN are giving Trump exactly what he wants: endless validation.
Jun 16, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman

An Explanation of Trump’s Explanation of His Attack on Judge Curiel An Explanation of Trump’s Explanation of His Attack on Judge Curiel
If you’ve been thinking Donald Trump Is racist, boorish, crude, It turns out that it’s you at fault: You’ve simply misconstrued.
Jun 16, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Letters From the July 4-11, 2016, Issue Letters From the July 4-11, 2016, Issue
Bern on vs. Bern out… Establishment fetishism… The past as precedent… Correction!
Jun 16, 2016 / Our Readers

Trump’s Racial and Ethnic Hierachy: Blacks v. Mexicans and Muslims Trump’s Racial and Ethnic Hierachy: Blacks v. Mexicans and Muslims
He says the US must choose between investing in African Americans and welcoming immigrants. Do Democrats have an answer to that false choice?
Jun 16, 2016 / Julianne Hing

We Need a Radical Movement for Gun Control We Need a Radical Movement for Gun Control
When the normal political system fails, it’s time to act up!
Jun 15, 2016 / The Editors

Can Zephyr Teachout Win a Seat in Congress? Can Zephyr Teachout Win a Seat in Congress?
The anti-corruption crusader, who gave New York Governor Cuomo a run for his money in 2014, is one of several promising Berniecrats running this year.
Jun 14, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Donald Trump Is a Textbook Abuser, and Women Everywhere Know It Donald Trump Is a Textbook Abuser, and Women Everywhere Know It
The media may not see through Trump, but women, particularly those who have experienced abuse, do.
Jun 14, 2016 / Ann Jones