
Donald Trump

The Donald Trump Show Preempts Yet Another Republican Debate The Donald Trump Show Preempts Yet Another Republican Debate

GOP candidates and commentators engaged in another long, drab waste of time that did nothing to weaken the front-runner.

Mar 4, 2016 / John Nichols

Mitt Romney Just Gave the Most Pointless Speech of the 2016 Race

Mitt Romney Just Gave the Most Pointless Speech of the 2016 Race Mitt Romney Just Gave the Most Pointless Speech of the 2016 Race

His address did not answer the essential question for Republicans in 2016: Will those who oppose Trump as a candidate for the nomination oppose Trump as the nominee?

Mar 3, 2016 / John Nichols

Drone Afghanistan

Who Will You Vote for as Drone Commander in Chief? Who Will You Vote for as Drone Commander in Chief?

Every major candidate from both parties has plans to maintain some version of Washington’s drone campaigns.

Mar 3, 2016 / Mattea Kramer

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Should Be Apologizing for Donald Trump Mitt Romney Should Be Apologizing for Donald Trump

In 2012, Trump was to Romney what David Duke is now for Trump—a conduit to Obama-hating white voters.

Mar 3, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump

Start Making Sense: Donald Trump, Master of Hate Start Making Sense: Donald Trump, Master of Hate

The front-runner’s terrifying supporters, the state of the GOP field, and American Muslims and Trump.

Mar 3, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Why We Need Women in Power

Why We Need Women in Power Why We Need Women in Power

Women legislators tend to promote women’s issues. How do Bernie supporters think we should get gender parity in government?

Mar 3, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Christie as Trump’s Veep?

Christie as Trump’s Veep? Christie as Trump’s Veep?

If Chris and Donald form a team, Would many voters pick it? Could there be folks who might support A schoolyard-bullies ticket?…

Mar 3, 2016 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Asking For A Friend: How Do I Express My New Gender Presentation Without Buying Into Consumerism?

Asking For A Friend: How Do I Express My New Gender Presentation Without Buying Into Consumerism? Asking For A Friend: How Do I Express My New Gender Presentation Without Buying Into Consumerism?

And another person asks—can I donate welfare dollars to Bernie?

Mar 3, 2016 / Liza Featherstone

Letters Icon

Letters From the March 21, 2016, Issue Letters From the March 21, 2016, Issue

Contra Clinton redux… the left’s shame… the migrant’s burden… Socialism? OK, but let’s push for a sane foreign policy.

Mar 3, 2016 / Our Readers

Voters Were Blocked From the Polls on Super Tuesday by New Restrictions

Voters Were Blocked From the Polls on Super Tuesday by New Restrictions Voters Were Blocked From the Polls on Super Tuesday by New Restrictions

The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.

Mar 2, 2016 / Ari Berman
