How Scalia’s Death Could Give Hillary New Life How Scalia’s Death Could Give Hillary New Life
Bernie Sanders has said it repeatedly during his campaign: When voter turnout is high, the Democrats win.
Feb 15, 2016 / William Greider

We Already Had an Election to Decide Who Gets to Appoint the Next Supreme Court Justice We Already Had an Election to Decide Who Gets to Appoint the Next Supreme Court Justice
It was in 2012.
Feb 15, 2016 / Nan Aron and Kyle C. Barry

Trump Says This Was His Best Debate Yet. He Might Be Right. Trump Says This Was His Best Debate Yet. He Might Be Right.
Time is running out for the Republicans to come up with a consensus alternative to the Greatest Shill on Earth.
Feb 14, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Thousands March in North Carolina to Protest Voter Suppression Thousands March in North Carolina to Protest Voter Suppression
Civil-rights activists mobilize to make their voices heard at the ballot box in 2016.
Feb 13, 2016 / Ari Berman

A Concrete Plan to Make Black Lives Matter A Concrete Plan to Make Black Lives Matter
This is a plan for pressuring whoever is in office, whether they are sympathetic to the causes of racial and economic justice or not.
Feb 13, 2016 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Donald Trump, the Most Dangerous Face in the Republican Crowd Donald Trump, the Most Dangerous Face in the Republican Crowd
Like “Lonesome” Rhodes, the lead character in Elia Kazan’s great 1957 movie about demagogy, Trump is a case study of narcissism and megalomania run amok.
Feb 12, 2016 / Sasha Abramsky

Bernie Sanders Has an Obama Problem Bernie Sanders Has an Obama Problem
He needs to find a way to critique the administration without alienating black voters who are protective of the president.
Feb 12, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Does the Rise of Trump and Sanders Turn What We Know About American Elections Upside Down? Does the Rise of Trump and Sanders Turn What We Know About American Elections Upside Down?
The 2016 election has flummoxed pundits. Is it upending political science, too?
Feb 12, 2016 / Joshua Holland

A Debate Christopher Hitchens Would Surely Have Appreciated A Debate Christopher Hitchens Would Surely Have Appreciated
When Democrats debated Thursday night, the trials of Henry Kissinger were on the agenda.
Feb 12, 2016 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton Rips Scott Walker to Make a Bigger Point Hillary Clinton Rips Scott Walker to Make a Bigger Point
In a critical debate, she used local references to make points about Wisconsin and America.
Feb 12, 2016 / John Nichols