
CNBC GOP debate

A GOP Debate Without a Winner—or Much of a Point A GOP Debate Without a Winner—or Much of a Point

It was an empty night of whining about the media, petty squabbling, and lost opportunities for the Republicans who would be president.

Oct 29, 2015 / John Nichols


Why Is the Center for American Progress Hosting Benjamin Netanyahu? Why Is the Center for American Progress Hosting Benjamin Netanyahu?

The Israeli prime minister has spent the last few years trying to sabotage the Obama administration’s foreign policy. So what’s with the invite?

Oct 28, 2015 / Ali Gharib


Please, John Kasich, Make This Debate Matter by Calling Out Trump and Carson Please, John Kasich, Make This Debate Matter by Calling Out Trump and Carson

The Ohio governor should answer his fellow contenders by saying, “You ever heard of anything so crazy?”

Oct 28, 2015 / John Nichols

The Benghazi Hearings We Need

The Benghazi Hearings We Need The Benghazi Hearings We Need

It is time to challenge a global overreach that has failed repeatedly in the past and seems doomed to fail in the future.

Oct 27, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tom Tomorrow toon

The Campaign Season of the Damned The Campaign Season of the Damned

Welcome to the endless torment of the perpetual campaign.

Oct 27, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Jeb Bush Says He Has ‘Really Cool Things’ to Do Besides Being President

Jeb Bush Says He Has ‘Really Cool Things’ to Do Besides Being President Jeb Bush Says He Has ‘Really Cool Things’ to Do Besides Being President

That’s good, because he’s probably not going to be.

Oct 26, 2015 / Joan Walsh

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing

With a rock concert, a rally, and a key speech in Iowa, the insurgent signals that he intends to remain an insurgent.

Oct 26, 2015 / John Nichols

Live, From New York, It’s a Poke in the Eye for Latinos!

Live, From New York, It’s a Poke in the Eye for Latinos! Live, From New York, It’s a Poke in the Eye for Latinos!

Make Saturday Night Live (almost) great again—dump Trump.

Oct 23, 2015 / Leslie Savan

Elijah Cummings and Trey Gowdy

Not Everyone on the Benghazi Committee Was an Embarrassment Not Everyone on the Benghazi Committee Was an Embarrassment

As Hillary Clinton made a powerful case for herself, Elijah Cummings made an equally powerful case against the committee’s hyper-partisanship.

Oct 23, 2015 / John Nichols

The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce

The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce

Enduring an 11-hour festival of mansplaining, with a sexist assist from GOP women, Hillary Clinton looked calm and presidential.

Oct 23, 2015 / Joan Walsh
