It’s Not Hillary’s Personality, Stupid It’s Not Hillary’s Personality, Stupid
Media fear and self-loathing are already on the campaign trail.
Apr 17, 2015 / Leslie Savan

If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track
This is the time to break with Obama, and her own past, by siding with labor, environmentalists, human rights activists.
Apr 17, 2015 / John Nichols

What Hillary Clinton Should Remember as She Courts Black Voters What Hillary Clinton Should Remember as She Courts Black Voters
During the 2008 primary, some of Clinton’s rhetoric left black voters cold. She’ll need to overcome those lingering concerns to win in 2016.
Apr 16, 2015 / Dani McClain

Hillary Clinton, Progressive Democrats Back ‘Fight for 15’ Protests Hillary Clinton, Progressive Democrats Back ‘Fight for 15’ Protests
The widespread protests Wednesday offered a critical test for politicians on whether to support the growing low-wage-worker movement.
Apr 16, 2015 / George Zornick

Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Populism Will Be Tested Early and Often Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Populism Will Be Tested Early and Often
From trade deals to living-wage campaigns to student-debt relief, whose side is candidate Clinton on?
Apr 14, 2015 / The Editors

Hillary Clinton Is Still Too Cautious on Campaign Finance Reform Hillary Clinton Is Still Too Cautious on Campaign Finance Reform
The Democratic front-runner would be wise to go all in for this necessary reform.
Apr 14, 2015 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough
Clinton launched her campaign bemoaning inequality and vowing to fight for everyday Americans. Will she follow through?
Apr 12, 2015 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton’s Feminist Family Values Hillary Clinton’s Feminist Family Values
Clinton’s surprisingly powerful campaign announcement suggests that Democrats are finding an authentic version of pro-family politics.
Apr 12, 2015 / Michelle Goldberg

Former Republican Says No One Who Voted for the Iraq War Should Be President—Including Hillary Clinton Former Republican Says No One Who Voted for the Iraq War Should Be President—Including Hillary Clinton
Lincoln Chafee, who voted against authorizing Bush’s war, challenges Clinton—and her pro-war vote.
Apr 10, 2015 / John Nichols

Senate Candidate Forswears Wall Street Money—Who’s Next? Senate Candidate Forswears Wall Street Money—Who’s Next?
Progressive groups are hoping to decouple Democrats from Wall Street by pushing a pledge to give up Wall Street donations.
Apr 9, 2015 / George Zornick