
Undeterred by the Long, Slow Line Toward Democracy Undeterred by the Long, Slow Line Toward Democracy

Those long, snaking lines were about more than a vote. The people most battered and excluded from the nation's politics and economy refuse to be ignored.

Nov 7, 2012 / Brentin Mock and Voting Rights Watch

Elizabeth Warren Heads to Washington, an Uncompromising Senator for the Left

Elizabeth Warren Heads to Washington, an Uncompromising Senator for the Left Elizabeth Warren Heads to Washington, an Uncompromising Senator for the Left

Her clear-as-a-bell progressive convictions mobilized a massive grassroots base.

Nov 7, 2012 / E.J. Graff

Barack Obama’s Decisive Victory for Liberal Government Barack Obama’s Decisive Victory for Liberal Government

President Obama's re-election marks the most decisive mandate for an assertive, progressive governing model in well over a generation. Here’s why.

Nov 7, 2012 / Ari Melber

The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere The Bad News About White People: Romney Won the White Vote Almost Everywhere

Whites voted Republican in every state except for four.

Nov 7, 2012 / Jon Wiener

In Victory, Obama Aims to Truly Enact an Agenda In Victory, Obama Aims to Truly Enact an Agenda

The president’s speech Tuesday night was aimed directly at the heart of die-hard GOP opposition. 

Nov 7, 2012 / George Zornick

Thank You, Republican Misogynists, for Handing Democrats Crucial Victories Last Night Thank You, Republican Misogynists, for Handing Democrats Crucial Victories Last Night

Women voters said “buh-bye” to extreme GOP misogynists.

Nov 7, 2012 / Bryce Covert

For Obama, a Bigger Win Than for Kennedy, Nixon, Carter or Bush For Obama, a Bigger Win Than for Kennedy, Nixon, Carter or Bush

The president actually won a significant victory. Now, he should do something with it.

Nov 7, 2012 / John Nichols

Life After Election Day Life After Election Day

No more undecideds.

Nov 7, 2012 / Jon Wiener

Forlorn Young Republicans at RNC Party Forlorn Young Republicans at RNC Party

Other than admitting they need to appeal to women and young people, Republicans in DC had no ideas about what this election means. 

Nov 7, 2012 / Ben Adler

Obama Wins, the Right Throws a Twitter Temper Tantrum Obama Wins, the Right Throws a Twitter Temper Tantrum

[View the story "Obama Wins, Right Wing in Denial " on Storify]Obama Wins, Right Wing in Denial Storified by The Nation · Tue, Nov 06 2012 21:05:58This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!Donald J. Trump. @StuOnTheBlaze saying we have to get exotic to get Romney in office #TheBlaze2012Glenn BeckVotes still being counted in rural areas of Ohio and we're hearing there are big numbers there. Still close. #TheBlazeTVGlenn BeckDear conservatives: there was no fraud, there was no stealing, and hard to see how status quo throws us to socialism.Erick EricksonConservatives shouldn't feel too bad.  They largely knew Romney couldn't win until the President couldn't win the first debate. & then hopedErick EricksonIt's not over! Romney just pulled ahead in #Ohio, by 6000 votes! #tcot #teaparty #politicsTraditional AmericanHow? #tcotAndrew GiordanoWow. Libs flooding my timeline with vicious hate and gloating. Obama's call for "revenge" fulfilled...Michelle MalkinThe electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.Donald J. TrumpOur nation is a once great nation divided!Donald J. TrumpThis election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!Donald J. Trump

Nov 7, 2012 / The Nation
