Poland’s Solidarnosc Wants No Part of Romney’s Anti-Labor Politics Poland’s Solidarnosc Wants No Part of Romney’s Anti-Labor Politics
While Romney toured Poland, the current leaders of the historic union denounced his “support for the attacks against trade unions and labor rights.”
Jul 30, 2012 / John Nichols
Mr. Romney Goes to Europe Mr. Romney Goes to Europe
While abroad Romney signals that he wants a return to the Bush Doctrine.
Jul 30, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Romney Promises Libor-Scandal Banksters He’ll Score for Them Romney Promises Libor-Scandal Banksters He’ll Score for Them
After a day of stumbles in London, Mitt finally gets on message, telling international bankers he’ll fight regulation. In return, they give him $2 million.
Jul 27, 2012 / John Nichols
Ilyse Hogue: Romney, Still Out of Touch, Fumbles London Ilyse Hogue: Romney, Still Out of Touch, Fumbles London
The presumed GOP candidate’s offense-slinging stumble through London this week lends irony to his false claims about Obama apologizing for America. It seems America will...
Jul 27, 2012 / Press Room
[PHOTOS] Taking a ‘Freedom Ride’ Against Pennsylvania’s Voter ID [PHOTOS] Taking a ‘Freedom Ride’ Against Pennsylvania’s Voter ID
More than 1,000 people rallied against Pennsylvania's voter ID law this week. James Cersonsky shares his images from a "Freedom Ride" bus to the capital.
Jul 27, 2012 / Aura Bogado and Voting Rights Watch
Romney’s UK Laugh Fest: ‘Another Dubya?’ Romney’s UK Laugh Fest: ‘Another Dubya?’
“Worse than Sarah Palin,” say the Brits. “Mitt the Twit.”
Jul 27, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
A Romney Presidency Would Be a Threat to Peace We Cannot Allow A Romney Presidency Would Be a Threat to Peace We Cannot Allow
But can Obama effectively mobilize the anti-war vote given the poor record of his first four years?
Jul 26, 2012 / Tom Hayden
Romney Blames Obama for GOP Defense Cuts Romney Blames Obama for GOP Defense Cuts
Mitt’s campaign is attacking the president for defense spending cuts that his own party voted for in Congress.
Jul 26, 2012 / Ben Adler
Tweedle-Romney Accuses Tweedle-Obama of Harming Israel Tweedle-Romney Accuses Tweedle-Obama of Harming Israel
Lewis Carroll, and Bob Dylan, would be amused.
Jul 26, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss
Mitt Romney’s Bankster Ball Mitt Romney’s Bankster Ball
With the soon-to-be GOP nominee collecting checks from executives of banks tied to the Libor scandal, Americans have a right to ask which team Romney is on.
Jul 26, 2012 / John Nichols