Ari Berman: Why Republicans Are Challenging the Voting Rights Act Ari Berman: Why Republicans Are Challenging the Voting Rights Act
If the GOP is pursuing voter ID laws for the sake of civil rights, then why is it doing so in a way that disenfranchises minority voters?
Jul 9, 2012 / Press Room
Occupy and the 99% Opposition Occupy and the 99% Opposition
Despite rumors of its demise, Occupy Wall Street has given rise to a flurry of actions targeting the 99 percent. What is this new phenomenon—and what role will it play in Nov...
Jul 9, 2012 / Jeremy Brecher
Snow Mitt and the Huntsman: A Tale from the Dark Forest of Republicanism Snow Mitt and the Huntsman: A Tale from the Dark Forest of Republicanism
Jon Huntsman’s decision to skip the GOP convention says a lot about how narrow the party of Lincoln, and even Reagan, has become.
Jul 9, 2012 / John Nichols
The GOP’s Attack on Voters The GOP’s Attack on Voters
The GOP admits that it believes voter ID laws will win Romney the election.
Jul 9, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Activists Protest Romney’s ‘Koch Problem’ Activists Protest Romney’s ‘Koch Problem’
Hundreds of activists show up at a Mitt Romney Southampton fundraiser to protest billionaires’ money in politics.
Jul 9, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny
Limbaugh Wants to Extend Vote Suppression to Women Limbaugh Wants to Extend Vote Suppression to Women
Rush says, “When women got the right to vote is when it all went downhill.” No wonder he supports voter ID laws.
Jul 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
How to Disenfranchise 18 Percent of Philadelphia’s Electorate How to Disenfranchise 18 Percent of Philadelphia’s Electorate
Forty-four percent of Philly’s population is African-American—and nearly 20 percent of voters there may lose the right to cast a ballot this fall.
Jul 6, 2012 / Aura Bogado and Voting Rights Watch
Vetoing Voter ID Is the (Historically) Republican Thing to Do Vetoing Voter ID Is the (Historically) Republican Thing to Do
Michigan's Republican governor blocked a voter suppression measure, harkening back to a GOP of yore.
Jul 6, 2012 / John Nichols
A Case Study in How Kris Kobach’s Cabal Aims to Remake Election Law A Case Study in How Kris Kobach’s Cabal Aims to Remake Election Law
How a fifteen-state consortium of right-wing elections officials—who are willing to say anything to advance the voter fraud meme—plan to dismantle voting rights.
Jul 5, 2012 / Voting Rights Watch and Brentin Mock
POLL: Half of Americans Don’t Know How Court Ruled on Healthcare POLL: Half of Americans Don’t Know How Court Ruled on Healthcare
For all the punditry about how the Supreme Court ruling on healthcare would play, 45 percent of Americans don’t know what happened.
Jul 4, 2012 / Ari Melber