
The Power of Recalls in Wisconsin The Power of Recalls in Wisconsin

The resignation of a Republican state Senator robs Scott Walker of complete control of state government. Looming recalls could bring even more dramatic change.

Mar 17, 2012 / John Nichols

Jeff Clements: How Can We Defeat ‘Citizens United’?

Jeff Clements: How Can We Defeat ‘Citizens United’? Jeff Clements: How Can We Defeat ‘Citizens United’?

How can we build an effective movement against corporate personhood?

Mar 15, 2012 / The Nation

Romney and Santorum: Two Faces of GOP Capitalism

Romney and Santorum: Two Faces of GOP Capitalism Romney and Santorum: Two Faces of GOP Capitalism

There may be tension but there isn’t a class war within the Republican Party, because they’re all on the same side.

Mar 14, 2012 / Column / Gary Younge

Gritty Defeats Highlight Romney’s Authenticity Deficit

Gritty Defeats Highlight Romney’s Authenticity Deficit Gritty Defeats Highlight Romney’s Authenticity Deficit

The “weak front-runner” has an authenticity deficit. It crushed him in Alabama and Mississippi. And it’s not just a Southern problem.

Mar 14, 2012 / John Nichols

Goodbye Gingrich

Goodbye Gingrich Goodbye Gingrich

Losing Mississippi and Alabama spells the end Gingrich’s campaign—and his relevance.

Mar 14, 2012 / Ben Adler

Ari Berman: Texas’ GOP War on Voting Ari Berman: Texas’ GOP War on Voting

A new voter identification law would allow Texans to vote with a handgun permit, but not with a student ID.

Mar 13, 2012 / Press Room

African-American Vote in GOP Race Falls Below Measurable Levels African-American Vote in GOP Race Falls Below Measurable Levels

African-Americans make up 37 percent of all Mississippians. In today's primary, they could count for less than 1 percent of the vote.

Mar 13, 2012 / John Nichols

DOJ Texas Voter ID Ruling Is No Surprise Given State’s Faulty ‘Colorblind’ Policies DOJ Texas Voter ID Ruling Is No Surprise Given State’s Faulty ‘Colorblind’ Policies

Yesterday’s DOJ ruling was not a surprise to Texas. They sued the federal government last year in anticipation of it. Nonetheless, Texas Republicans were appalled yesterday.

Mar 13, 2012 / Brentin Mock

Americans Elect: The Political eHarmony Americans Elect: The Political eHarmony

Broaden participation through technology is a worthy goal, but American Elect's intention to get beyond partisanship is wearisome.

Mar 10, 2012 / Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto

Strange Things Are Happening to Mitt Romney Strange Things Are Happening to Mitt Romney

He's eating grits, dropping “Y’alls” and describes campaigning in the South is an “away game” for Yankees like him. This is as “real” as h...

Mar 9, 2012 / John Nichols
