The Protocols of the Elders of Sheldon The Protocols of the Elders of Sheldon
In light of a Pew Research Center survey on public engagement with the presidential campaign, Reed looks at how biased the media has become.
Feb 9, 2012 / Eric Alterman
Why Republicans Love Marco Rubio Why Republicans Love Marco Rubio
Republicans think Rubio can help them win over Latinos. His right[wing views should prevent that, but he is the GOP's most charismatic politician.
Feb 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
Elections Are for Suckers Elections Are for Suckers
Bribes from billionaires? Super PACs buying campaigns right and left? Let’s just dip our fingers in purple ink and pose for photos.
Feb 9, 2012 / Robert Scheer
The GOP’s Enthusiasm Gap The GOP’s Enthusiasm Gap
GOP presidential primary turnout is well below 2008 levels, a worrying sign for Republicans in 2012.
Feb 8, 2012 / Ari Berman

‘Anybody But Romney’ Wins Everywhere, as GOP Turnout Tanks ‘Anybody But Romney’ Wins Everywhere, as GOP Turnout Tanks
After eight primaries and caucuses, the ordained GOP front-runner has lost the majority of contests. In Minnesota, 83 percent of Republicans rejected Romney, and turnout was down a...
Feb 8, 2012 / John Nichols

Santorum’s Symbolic Victories Santorum’s Symbolic Victories
Don’t believe the media hype. Tuesday’s events awarded no delegates, and it’s too soon to say what Rick Santorum’s nominal wins will mean.
Feb 8, 2012 / Ben Adler

Spring Comes Early for Romney Spring Comes Early for Romney
Nevada is just the beginning of what should be a stretch of states that give Mitt Romney unstoppable momentum.
Feb 5, 2012 / Ben Adler
Newt Gingrich’s New Enemies: Subway Riders Newt Gingrich’s New Enemies: Subway Riders
Gingrich’s latest smear of city-dwellers demonstrates the economic inversion of his class warfare.
Feb 3, 2012 / Ben Adler
Sheldon Adelson Against Disenfranchisement in Nevada Caucus Sheldon Adelson Against Disenfranchisement in Nevada Caucus
Yes, the Gingrich-supporting neoconservative billionaire has done something good, albeit for selfish reasons: created an opportunity for more people to participate in the Nevada Ca...
Feb 3, 2012 / Ben Adler

Ari Berman: The GOP’s Redistricting Campaign Is Turning the South Red Ari Berman: The GOP’s Redistricting Campaign Is Turning the South Red
How a Republican strategy to control politics on a local level affects the entire nation—politically, socially and beyond.
Feb 2, 2012 / The Nation