Robert Reich to President Obama: Support Us and We’ll Support You Robert Reich to President Obama: Support Us and We’ll Support You
What should President Obama do to win our support?
Dec 19, 2011 / Robert B. Reich
Caucuses Will Still Lack Absentee Voting Caucuses Will Still Lack Absentee Voting
Republican caucuses, including the influential first in the nation contest in Iowa, will disenfranchise the disabled and members of the military.
Dec 19, 2011 / Ben Adler
Wisconsin Recall Calculus: $5M Distant Dollars v. 500,000 Citizens Wisconsin Recall Calculus: $5M Distant Dollars v. 500,000 Citizens
Governor Walker thinks his money can beat a recall. He’s wrong.
Dec 19, 2011 / John Nichols
Is Ron Wyden Trying to Elect Mitt Romney? Is Ron Wyden Trying to Elect Mitt Romney?
The Democratic Senator from Oregon has endorsed Paul Ryan's plan to privatize Medicare, taking away the Democrats’ best issue in 2012.
Dec 15, 2011 / Ben Adler
Can Paul Ryan—and His Agenda—Be Beat? It’s Possible Can Paul Ryan—and His Agenda—Be Beat? It’s Possible
A new poll suggests that the pointman for the Republican assault on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid could lose.
Dec 14, 2011 / John Nichols
Their Bread, Our Circus: How to Turn an Election Year Into Election Life Their Bread, Our Circus: How to Turn an Election Year Into Election Life
The electoral process has been occupied by the 1 percent—which means that what you hear in this “campaign” is largely refracted versions of their views, their nee...
Dec 13, 2011 / Tom Engelhardt

Why Newt Gingrich Hates the State Department Why Newt Gingrich Hates the State Department
Gingrich has been criticizing the State Department and calling for its overhaul.
Dec 13, 2011 / Ben Adler
What if Gingrich Is Right About the Palestinians? What if Gingrich Is Right About the Palestinians?
Newt Gingrich says Palestinians are “an invented people.” But even if he were right, it wouldn’t negate their right to self-determination.
Dec 12, 2011 / Ben Adler
Ari Berman: Why Does Elizabeth Warren ‘Resonate’ With Voters? Ari Berman: Why Does Elizabeth Warren ‘Resonate’ With Voters?
The slanderous attack ads against Warren are doing nothing to dampen enthusiasm for her campaign.
Dec 9, 2011 / Press Room

The Koch Brothers, ALEC and the Savage Assault on Democracy The Koch Brothers, ALEC and the Savage Assault on Democracy
Progressives will march Saturday from the Koch brothers’ headquarters to the UN to demand an end to the attack on voting rights in America.
Dec 9, 2011 / John Nichols