Will the GOP Debate Be Civilized or a Slugfest? Will the GOP Debate Be Civilized or a Slugfest?
George Zornick joins the Washington Times’s Charles Hurt on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to break down GOP strategy, the beginnings of the electoral horse ...
Jun 13, 2011 / C-SPAN
One if by Misstatement, Two if by Ignorant: Palin Gets an ‘F’ in American History One if by Misstatement, Two if by Ignorant: Palin Gets an ‘F’ in American History
She's got Paul Revere riding on the wrong side of the Revolution.
Jun 4, 2011 / John Nichols
Pro-Choice, Anti-Choice, Mitt Romney Cannot Be Serious Pro-Choice, Anti-Choice, Mitt Romney Cannot Be Serious
Romney's "evolving" stance on abortion—and a long list of other issues—won't sell in what's becoming a party of social-policy purists.
Jun 2, 2011 / John Nichols
Three Things I Love About Herman Cain’s Campaign Three Things I Love About Herman Cain’s Campaign
Herman Cain’s candidacy is a cautionary tale against the simplistic racial reasoning that has dominated American political discourse.
Jun 1, 2011 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Kathy Hochul Wins NY-26 as Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan Costs the GOP a House Seat Kathy Hochul Wins NY-26 as Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan Costs the GOP a House Seat
The clear message for Obama and Democrats is don't mess with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Run against Ryan's extremism and win.
May 25, 2011 / John Nichols
The ‘Paul Ryan for President’ Delusion The ‘Paul Ryan for President’ Delusion
Now that Mitch Daniels is out of the running, the DC-based defenders of budget-busting corporate giveaways have found a new candidate for the GOP nomination: Paul Ryan.
May 24, 2011 / John Nichols
Curbing Campaign Cash Curbing Campaign Cash
If Democrats follow Republicans in raising millions from undisclosed sources, they will undermine their moral argument for campaign finance reform.
May 19, 2011 / The Editors
Slide Show: The GOP’s Presidential Contenders, Wannabes and Also-Rans Slide Show: The GOP’s Presidential Contenders, Wannabes and Also-Rans
It’s the job nobody seems to want: with Barack Obama’s ratings higher than they have been in months, the GOP is having trouble finding candidates to take him on in next…
May 18, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Trump Trumped: How Obama Turned a Presidential Prospect Into a Punchline Trump Trumped: How Obama Turned a Presidential Prospect Into a Punchline
The president used a devastating monologue to end his highest-profile rival's "campaign" before it even began.
May 16, 2011 / John Nichols
Let’s End the Secret Money Arms Race Let’s End the Secret Money Arms Race
It's time to harness the overwhelming bipartisan support for curbing the influence of money in our elections.
May 16, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel