McCain’s Pastor: US Should Destroy Islam McCain’s Pastor: US Should Destroy Islam
Since the media won't question McCain about his deeply bigoted pastor, it's up to you to call attention to this issue.
May 8, 2008 / Brave New Films and Mother Jones
Trust the Voters Trust the Voters
Finally, the Democratic campaign can begin to focus on what really matters--healthcare, the economy and leaving Iraq.
May 8, 2008 / The Editors
Battle of the Hawks Battle of the Hawks
In the increasingly unlikely event of a McCain-Clinton election, people who care about peace have serious reason to worry.
May 7, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer
Clintons in Denial Clintons in Denial
Tuesday's elections show the Clintons are beyond persuasion or capable of thinking beyond their own interests.
May 7, 2008 / Tom Hayden
Gas Tax Holiday (from Reality) Gas Tax Holiday (from Reality)
As far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, if you disagree with her gas tax plan, you're an elitist.
May 5, 2008 / Talking Points Memo
Race to the Bottom Race to the Bottom
How Hillary Clinton's campaign played the race card--and drove a wedge into the feminist movement.
May 1, 2008 / Feature / Betsy Reed
The Missing Debate The Missing Debate
Why aren't the presidential candidates talking about Moscow's impact on our national security?
May 1, 2008 / Stephen F. Cohen
No Country for Old Men No Country for Old Men
Age is a factor in this race and nowhere is it so important as in McCain's vice-presidential choice.
Apr 30, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer
McCain Is the Media’s Maverick McCain Is the Media’s Maverick
Why does the American public think John McCain is a maverick? Because the mainstream media told them so.
Apr 28, 2008 / Media Matters for America
Hillary’s Iran Insanity Hillary’s Iran Insanity
How did Hillary go from being simply hawkish on Iran to becoming completely hellbent on its destruction?
Apr 28, 2008 / Talking Points Memo