Crispy Supreme Arguments Crispy Supreme Arguments
In Gore Vidal's novel of post-World War I Washington, Hollywood, the toughest ticket in town is a pass to the Senate debate on the League of Nations treaty.
Dec 1, 2001 / David Corn
The Joe and Hil Follies The Joe and Hil Follies
It's a slippery slope that these two lawgivers would have us tread.
Sep 6, 2001 / Danny Goldberg
Women: Key to the Senate? Women: Key to the Senate?
If they connect well with voters in 2002, they'll have an edge in a weak economy.
Sep 6, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
Needed: Fresh Contenders Needed: Fresh Contenders
It is not too early to devise a progressive strategy for the 2004 election.
Sep 6, 2001 / John Nichols
Jeb vs. Janet in Florida Jeb vs. Janet in Florida
Next year's Florida gubernatorial election--which could pit presidential brother and current GOP Governor Jeb Bush against former Attorney General Janet Reno--is developing into t...
Sep 5, 2001 / John Lantigua
They’re Off! They’re Off!
Nine hundred days to go, and Democratic presidential hopefuls are jockeying for position.
Aug 9, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
The Left Taught Him How to Do It The Left Taught Him How to Do It
The leftists organizing in Vermont since the 1970s prepared the ground for James Jeffords's jump, and he never would have done it without them. In the 1970s and 1980s Democrats h...
May 31, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Independents’ Day Independents’ Day
It's fitting that the first senator to become an independent in more than thirty years hails from Vermont, the state with the most advanced independent politics in the nation. Ver...
May 31, 2001 / Micah L. Sifry