No Honeymoon No Honeymoon
The election reveals a deep need for voting reform.
Dec 14, 2000 / The Editors
Ce N’est Pas un Président Ce N’est Pas un Président
All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth. --John Lennon Florida's electoral mishegoss lends itself to the exploration of an issu...
Dec 7, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
Wanted: Three Electors Wanted: Three Electors
Let the chattering classes focus on chads and undervotes and Florida recounts and what the courts--state and federal, all the way up to the Supreme Court--would or wouldn't do. L...
Dec 7, 2000 / The Editors
Shut It Down Shut It Down
(Another Republican sea chantey) They all went down to stop Miami-Dade From making counts the judges had OK'd. Unlikely toughs, with ties and crisp white shirts, They w...
Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
By the Dawn’s Early Light By the Dawn’s Early Light
I write from shipboard, on the Nation cruise. The boat has just pulled away from port and chugs toward the horizon, leaving land behind. We are fourth in a line of cruise ships d...
Dec 7, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Unscanned Majority The Unscanned Majority
Amid all the partisan sniping, talking-head screeching and judicial decisions, there are two indisputable facts that go far toward explaining the true tragedy of the Florida reco...
Dec 7, 2000 / David Corn
Gore’s Hail Mary Failed; Now Let’s Rebuild the Team Gore’s Hail Mary Failed; Now Let’s Rebuild the Team
The Oakland Raiders lost by one point Sunday, and it was all my fault. My concentration as their most fanatical fan was broken by constantly switching to CNN to watch overprice...
Dec 5, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
Beneath the Divide Beneath the Divide
The election results reveal what may be an "emerging progressive majority."
Nov 30, 2000 / Feature / Robert L. Borosage
Can Dems Hang Tough? Can Dems Hang Tough?
With No Decision 2000 a face-off of spins--moralistic outrage for the Republicans (don't steal our election) versus lofty principle for the Democrats (every vote should count)--t...
Nov 30, 2000 / David Corn
Rush to ‘Closure’ Rush to ‘Closure’
Here's the Bush idea of electoral reform: Cancel the election. The Florida legislature's move to choose the state's electors and declare George W. Bush the next President is only...
Nov 30, 2000 / The Editors