Whose Side’s Jesus On? Whose Side’s Jesus On?
Gore says he prays when crises loom. He asks just what would Jesus do. And then he does that very thing (If focus groups would do it too). So whose side's Jesus on, fol...
Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Middling Against the Ends Middling Against the Ends
This presidential race leaves an odd sensation among those of us not having a television. Like the much-cited Kennedy-Nixon race, in which the camera was generally thought to ha...
Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems
What a deal! Elect George W. Bush President and you get government lite--eat all you want without gaining a pound. Bush promises to cut taxes for all, dramatically increase mil...
Oct 24, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Election and Beyond The Election and Beyond
We dare to be optimistic. Presidential elections are mile markers on a very long road. Our side does not expect to win according to conventional measures; it could hardly be othe...
Oct 19, 2000 / The Editors
Trick or Treat Trick or Treat
The voters hear on Halloween The country's doorbell ring. There's Bush dressed up as real adult And Gore as human being.
Oct 19, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Getting Out the Vote Getting Out the Vote
I'm surprised at how many otherwise thoughtful people seem convinced that this election "makes no difference." In my very first Nation column, I quoted Justice Antonin Scalia, wh...
Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Duking It Out in the Naderhood Duking It Out in the Naderhood
As Bush and Gore battle for the Northwest, Nader's power grows.
Oct 12, 2000 / Feature / Marc Cooper
If Politics Got Real… If Politics Got Real…
To Nader or not to Nader, that is the question. A debate over whether Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader is a savior or a spoiler has raged for months among progressi...
Sep 28, 2000 / Rob Richie and Steven Hill
Questions From the Floor Questions From the Floor
A new poll has found that strong majorities of Americans have high levels of interest and concern about a range of issues that are rarely being discussed in the current politic...
Sep 28, 2000 / The Editors
Questions From the Floor Questions From the Floor
On the eve of the first presidential debate, a new poll has found that strong majorities of Americans have high levels of interest and concern about a range of issues that are ra...
Sep 28, 2000 / The Editors