George W.’s Straw Party George W.’s Straw Party
Texas Governor George W.
Aug 19, 1999 / Feature / Marc Cooper
A Word of Sympathy for Candidates Who Did Not Do Well in the Ames Voting A Word of Sympathy for Candidates Who Did Not Do Well in the Ames Voting
It really would stick in the craw To find that you had to withdraw From such a big race For not keeping pace In a poll that was nothing but straw.
Aug 19, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Will Bulworth Run? Will Bulworth Run?
Run, Warren, run? The latest made-for-buzz wrinkle in the 2000 presidential campaign is that actor Warren Beatty is considering a rewrite that would put him into the action.
Aug 19, 1999 / The Editors
Russia and Election 2000 Russia and Election 2000
President Boris Yeltsin's firing of his fifth Prime Minister in seventeen months and Russia's renewed war in the Caucasus are stark signs of his regime's instability, desperation...
Aug 19, 1999 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Presidential Bidding Presidential Bidding
Let 1999 go down in electoral history as the year the "wealth primary"--a term coined by Jamin Raskin and John Bonifaz in law review articles to describe the period of early fund...
Aug 5, 1999 / The Editors
Bradley’s Long Shot Bradley’s Long Shot
How do you beat a sitting vice president in a presidential nomination contest? There's no established game plan, because no one's ever done it.
Aug 5, 1999 / David Corn
The Other Y2K Crisis The Other Y2K Crisis
The presidential election is sixteen months away, but candidates are already fanning out across the land, garnering dollars and media exposure.
Jul 8, 1999 / Stephen Gillers
The Wreck of the Primary Campaign The Wreck of the Primary Campaign
(A Republican Sea Chantey)
Jul 8, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates
Completely confident, they know that--fair And square, on issues--they'll defeat George Bush. But still, where is that famous picture where
Jun 17, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Bill Bradley: Can He Get Into the Game? Bill Bradley: Can He Get Into the Game?
On April 30, 1992, Bill Bradley strode to the podium of the US Senate. The previous night, riots had erupted in Los Angeles following a not-guilty verdict in the first Rodney Kin...
Jun 17, 1999 / Feature / David Corn