Electoral Reform

IRV, a Better Way IRV, a Better Way

Instant Runoff Voting will get a crucial test in four local elections on November 7.

Oct 27, 2006 / Krist Novoselic

Guardian of the Ballot Box Guardian of the Ballot Box

Ion Sancho, an election supervisor in Florida, is dedicated to creating a fair and accurate voting system. But his passion has nearly cost him his job.

Oct 19, 2006 / Feature / Andrew Gumbel

The Coming Ballot Meltdown The Coming Ballot Meltdown

Ohio is the bellwether for the nation's electoral health and the prognosis is bad. Error-ridden e-voting, draconian restrictions and widespread incompetence could cause another Nov...

Jun 28, 2006 / Feature / Andrew Gumbel

Everyone’s a Reformer Everyone’s a Reformer

For a long time on Capitol Hill, no one was interested in lobbying reform. Now everybody wants to get in on the act.

Jan 13, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman

Yes, Virginia… Yes, Virginia…

Democratic gubernatorial wins in Virginia and New Jersey gave the lie to the GOP contention that "conservatism is on the march." But infighting among Dems doomed electoral reform i...

Nov 10, 2005 / John Nichols

Sweeping Up Ohio Sweeping Up Ohio

There's a way to cure Ohio's dysfunctional electoral system: an election-reform referendum that allows creation of "swing districts."

Oct 20, 2005 / Feature / John Nichols

Time to Fix the System Time to Fix the System

Tom DeLay's indictments open the door for Congress to overhaul current lobbying laws and fix the broken system of campaign finance, redistricting and electoral laws that foster mis...

Oct 6, 2005 / The Editors

Voting Rights for All Voting Rights for All

With key provisions of the Voting Rights Act up for renewal, Congress must remain committed to the equal right to vote.

Jul 28, 2005 / The Editors

Failing the Electoral Standards Failing the Electoral Standards

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has been monitoring elections in emerging democracies ever since the fall of the Berlin wall, but now it has done some...

Apr 25, 2005 / Feature / Andrew Gumbel

Not Quite an Exact Portrait Not Quite an Exact Portrait

Talking points on election reform.

Oct 28, 2004 / Patrick Mulvaney
