
Take Action Now: Declare a Climate Emergency

Take Action Now: Declare a Climate Emergency Take Action Now: Declare a Climate Emergency

Tell your representatives to take decisive action, donate to fire relief in California, and join the climate conversation.

Oct 29, 2019 / NationAction

Letters Icon

Letters From the November 11/18, 2019, Issue Letters From the November 11/18, 2019, Issue

A Matter of Degrees I have been most interested in The Nation’s coverage of the climate crisis, particularly Daniel Judt’s “https://www.thenation.com/article/senegal-climate-injust…

Oct 29, 2019 / Our Readers

As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality

As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality

But World Series fans were having none of it—thousands chanted “Lock him up!” at Nationals Park stadium in Washington, DC.

Oct 29, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

Jonathan Safran Foer and the Limits of Liberal Climate Politics

Jonathan Safran Foer and the Limits of Liberal Climate Politics Jonathan Safran Foer and the Limits of Liberal Climate Politics

Addressing climate change will take a whole lot more than changing our diets.

Oct 29, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Kate Aronoff

Neo Nazi rally newman

How Do the Trumpists Mobilize? Around White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism How Do the Trumpists Mobilize? Around White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism

A new report by Political Research Associates lays out the connections and the key role played by the media.

Oct 25, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

Games of Chance

Games of Chance Games of Chance

Climate change is wreaking havoc.

Oct 25, 2019 / OppArt / Dee Hood

Mozambique Coffee price

Coffee Prices Have Collapsed, Threatening the Livelihood of Millions Across the Global South Coffee Prices Have Collapsed, Threatening the Livelihood of Millions Across the Global South

Why aren’t big importers like Starbucks doing something to help the small farmers and workers who are the backbone of their multibillion-dollar businesses?

Oct 25, 2019 / James North

Germany’s Big Green Mood Lacks Radicalism

Germany’s Big Green Mood Lacks Radicalism Germany’s Big Green Mood Lacks Radicalism

The ascendant Green Party’s moderate approach might placate some voters, but it won’t save a burning planet.

Oct 25, 2019 / Lukas Hermsmeier

Haiti protests

Haiti Is in the Streets Haiti Is in the Streets

Exploited by corporate predators, squeezed by the IMF, patronized by international elites, and bled dry by a corrupt government, Haitians refuse to stop rising up.

Oct 24, 2019 / Amy Wilentz

White Supremacists in Charlottesville

The ‘Great Replacement’ Is a Genocidal Playbook The ‘Great Replacement’ Is a Genocidal Playbook

The far right’s obsession over migration and xenophobic “replacement” theories have seen a resurgence in an era of looming climate catastrophe.

Oct 22, 2019 / John Feffer
