
The Amazon Is On Fire

The Amazon Is On Fire The Amazon Is On Fire

Capitalism is burning us all.

Aug 27, 2019 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo

The Petrochemical Industry Is Killing Another Black Community in ‘Cancer Alley’

The Petrochemical Industry Is Killing Another Black Community in ‘Cancer Alley’ The Petrochemical Industry Is Killing Another Black Community in ‘Cancer Alley’

Residents of St. James are fighting new plastics plants—but some wonder if they should leave before it's too late. 

Aug 26, 2019 / Feature / Mara Kardas-Nelson

David Koch Got What He Paid For

David Koch Got What He Paid For David Koch Got What He Paid For

The late Koch brother bought influence using PACs and other proxies. A prank call to Scott Walker revealed the truth about how the Kochs had their way with Republican politicians.

Aug 23, 2019 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders Welcomes the Hatred of Billionaires

Bernie Sanders Welcomes the Hatred of Billionaires Bernie Sanders Welcomes the Hatred of Billionaires

The Vermont senator sits down with The Nation and discusses how we can transform America.

Aug 23, 2019 / Q&A / John Nichols

In 2020, Millennials and Generation Z Could Force Politicians to Deal With Climate Change

In 2020, Millennials and Generation Z Could Force Politicians to Deal With Climate Change In 2020, Millennials and Generation Z Could Force Politicians to Deal With Climate Change

For the first time, younger people, across the board, are more motivated to act on climate change than their elders.

Aug 23, 2019 / Madeline Ostrander

Jay Inslee

Jay Inslee Is Not the Candidate Who Should Be Leaving This Race Jay Inslee Is Not the Candidate Who Should Be Leaving This Race

The governor’s exit is a serious loss because he regularly challenged other candidates—especially Biden—when they tried to dance around climate issues.

Aug 22, 2019 / John Nichols


Trump’s Greenland Grab Is a Throwback to the Foulest Imperialism Trump’s Greenland Grab Is a Throwback to the Foulest Imperialism

Denmark’s prime minister got it right when she said, “Thankfully, the time where you buy and sell other countries and populations is over.”

Aug 21, 2019 / John Nichols

Trump on the Big Screen at CPAC

Trump’s America Is Worse Than Orwell’s ‘1984’ Trump’s America Is Worse Than Orwell’s ‘1984’

As global warming intensifies, our world is becoming bleaker than one of the darkest dystopias ever imagined.

Aug 20, 2019 / Tom Engelhardt

David Bernhardt

The Once Common Republican Environmentalist Is Virtually Extinct The Once Common Republican Environmentalist Is Virtually Extinct

Our corrupted American elections may well be the greatest environmental threat facing the planet. But if elections pose a threat, they also offer a possibility.

Aug 13, 2019 / John Nichols

Their Lies Endanger Life on Earth

Their Lies Endanger Life on Earth Their Lies Endanger Life on Earth

There is no Planet B.

Aug 13, 2019 / OppArt / Sue Coe
