
The Importance of Diplomacy in a World of Multiple Power Centers

The Importance of Diplomacy in a World of Multiple Power Centers The Importance of Diplomacy in a World of Multiple Power Centers

None of the major powers have the capacity to overrule the others, but each has the ability to frustrate the designs of rivals.

Dec 21, 2016 / Feature / Michael T. Klare

Takae Helipad Protest

Can Indigenous Okinawans Protect Their Land and Water From the US Military? Can Indigenous Okinawans Protect Their Land and Water From the US Military?

As construction finishes on six new helipads, demonstrations to remove the military are reaching a fever pitch.

Dec 20, 2016 / Lisa Torio

Trump and Ruzder

Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy Sham Populism, Shameless Plutocracy

Almost every legitimate function of the federal government could be subverted by Trump’s wrecking crew.

Dec 20, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Winter at Standing Rock

Want to Know How to Build a Progressive Movement Under Trump? Look to Standing Rock Want to Know How to Build a Progressive Movement Under Trump? Look to Standing Rock

Fighting against white supremacy and neoliberalism takes organizing—and lots of it.

Dec 20, 2016 / Audrea Lim

Bryce Canyon

How the Trump Administration Could Change the American Landscape, Literally How the Trump Administration Could Change the American Landscape, Literally

Get ready for a rush to plunder our public lands.

Dec 16, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Demonstrators gather on Capitol Hill in Washington, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016, to protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline.

Take the Fight Against the Dakota Access Pipeline to the Banks That Are Funding It Take the Fight Against the Dakota Access Pipeline to the Banks That Are Funding It

Demand that the banks backing the Dakota Access Pipeline support the sovereignty and rights of indigenous peoples and end their financing of the pipeline.

Dec 15, 2016 / NationAction

Campaign 2016 Trump

Plot Twist! Donald Trump May Accidentally Destroy Some Fossil-Fuel Companies. Plot Twist! Donald Trump May Accidentally Destroy Some Fossil-Fuel Companies.

Trump’s plan is an enigma wrapped in a conundrum inside a roiling set of contradictions.

Dec 15, 2016 / Michael T. Klare

Obama gives State of the Union

I Miss Our Sane, Calm, Empathetic, Funny President Already I Miss Our Sane, Calm, Empathetic, Funny President Already

Before Trump’s election, we on the left didn’t give President Obama enough credit. Why?

Dec 15, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Rex Tillerson in Washington

Normalizing Denial: Trump, Tillerson, and Climate Reality Normalizing Denial: Trump, Tillerson, and Climate Reality

A political culture that can accommodate Exxon’s climate denial is a political culture ripe for Trump.

Dec 14, 2016 / Wen Stephenson

Truck in Chile after flood

We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing

We have an epidemic of grabbing—land grabbing, resource grabbing—and now the most powerful nation on earth has elected Donald Trump as its grabber-in-chief.

Dec 14, 2016 / Naomi Klein
